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Use default asset_collection name instead of requiring it be defined.
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Nimisha Asthagiri November 13, 2014 at 11:12 PM
Is that consistent with the way we have configured modulestores in the past? Are we planning to go away from specifying the collection names in the DOC_STORE_CONFIG?
From my perspective, it seems we need to add default values somewhere. Now, whether it is hard-coded within the assetstore code or within the modulestore_settings (migration) code is the design decision we have to make. To be consistent with how we have done it in the past, I feel we should have the default in the migration code. However, if the platform team is moving away from that convention, then so be it.
Essentially, the migration code would look for the asset_collection field in the DOC_STORE_CONFIG dict. If it doesn't exist, it sets its to a default value ('assetstore').
Julia Eskew November 13, 2014 at 10:34 PM
I talked to today. According to him, DevOps (edX and others) does not typically care about MongoDB collection names - and a hard-coded name is fine. The collection names are akin to table names in the DB - the assumption is that they'll have uniform names across different instances. So I'm sticking with the original story and I'll remove the option to override the default collection name as well. also approves.
Julia Eskew November 12, 2014 at 8:32 PM
Ah - glad you clarified! I didn't fully understand. I'll change the story to that.
Nimisha Asthagiri November 12, 2014 at 8:14 PM
To be clear, I am recommending not having a default name in the asset metadata code itself. Rather, I am suggesting have a default setting defined in the migration script (in that gets used when it is not explicitly configured.
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Zendesk Support
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Zendesk Support

The mobile team has suggested that the new separate asset collection where the asset metadata is stored in the Mongo modulestore use a default name when no name is specified in the DOC_STORE_CONFIG. Currently, a name is required or no separate asset_collection is created, causing no asset metadata to be stored. It's a confusing situation - and if I require a new setting, then I'll need to write a settings migration script (as in causing more communication and coordination. Also, not many partners should care what the name of the asset collection actually is.