GitHub Actions vs Jenkins: thoughts?
Let’s assess the technology
Feedback request: extensions to in-process API conventions:
ADR bot: are people using it? Any feedback?
Currently posted in the open edX slack workspace’s #adr-notifications channel
Perhaps format can be updated - Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated) will follow-up with Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)
Integrate with edX slack workspace
last week: 6 notifications (4 on Tues)
#architecture? #adr-notifications?
Upcoming extensions doc
Can be put in the decisions folder
Type annotations - do people want to try this out, and if so where would we prioritize it?
May be useful in APIs
Currently using pycontracts in certain gnarly modulestore APIs
+Supported Python APIs in the monolith for Django App Plugins
Blended engineering model
People Dimensions: people interfaces and Code code interfaces
Case A: (code interface: has clear boundaries exist)
Case A1: External team(s) review each other other’s code; Internal team requires uses a runbook and toggle
Case A2: Internal engineers do a one-time cursory review of the code when it is complete
Case B: (code interface: does not exist at all or refactoring of existing code)
Hands-on (pair-programming) between internal engineer on the blended project
Internal engineers working Case B1: Internal engineers work side-by-side with external engineers
Case B2: Internal engineers context-switch and do a detailed review of the code by external engineers
Case B3: External engineers from different orgs review each other’s code
Case C: (people interface: external dev has merge rights)
Case D: (people interface: external dev has edX data rights and carries pager)
Case E: (people interface: owning team is different from the Internal Dev team)