Versions Compared


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To view the xqueue logs and look for errors/activity, run this devstack make command:

  • make dev.logs.xqueue

Suggested Future Development Work

Developing graders or fixes to xqueue-watcher is not easy! Here’s some suggested items to make things easier:

  • Provide a Docker devstack xqueue-watcher container

    • This container would be built with:

      • the same Python virtualenvs used in production

      • the same codejail environments (using AppArmor)

      • the ability to use arbitrary grading repos/code in the container

  • Make xqueue-watcher a Python module

    • Currently, several xqueue-watcher files are duplicated across grader repos - which is the very problem that Python modules are made to solve.

    • Have each grader install the xqueue-watcher Python module and derive its graders from the common code.

    • Would include a script/method for testing all grader code written by a course team.

      • Accepts a configuration file which specifies all tests to run.

        • Code to grade along with the expected results.

  • Define a clear best practice for writing graders.

    • Create an edX-written grader repo which demonstrates all the best practices.


So how is xqueue/xqueue-watcher run in production?
