Versions Compared


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  • Contact People

  • Configuration

    • The courseware.use_legacy_frontend and course_home.course_home_use_legacy_frontend Waffle flags can be toggled on (either globally or per-course-run) in order to revert to the Legacy (LMS Django-rendered) courseware experience.

    • The domain name for your learning MFE should be added to the CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST for ecommerce, discovery, lms, and studio.

  • Removed Features:

    • Entrance Exams are slated to be deprecated and are never enabled on the MFE. Attempting to start a course with an entrance exam on the MFE results in an error.   Using the waffle flags to enable the legacy experience should enable their usage for the time being, but their deprecation is forthcoming.

    • Problemsets and videosequences, which are deprecated variations of the Sequence block will not render in the MFE:

    • Non-standard course hierarchies. Legacy courseware was willing to render some content that didn’t strictly follow that hierarchy, and that content will break in the MFE.

      This should only affect courses authored directly in OLX. Studio-authored courses already follow these hierarchy requirements. Essentially, courses must follow a stricter hierarchy in order to work in the MFE:

      • The direct children of the root Course block should be Section (aka Chapter) blocks.

      • The children of the Sections must be Subsections (aka Sequence) blocks. Each Subsection must be part of at most one Section.

      • Children of the Subsections should be “Unit-like” blocks (most commonly Verticals, but HTML/Problem/etc are okay too)

    • Course search is not (yet?) available in the new Learning MFE Course Outline.

  • Altered Features:

    • The ability for course authors to preview units in the learner experience before they are published will preview in the legacy experience, not the MFE. Work enabling preview using the MFE is anticipated.

    • According to the HTML standard, <script> and <iframe> tags are not self-closing; they must be closed with </script> and </iframe> tags. Legacy courseware incidentally corrected this error when it occurred in course content. MFE courseware does not do that correction. Course authors should update their courses to use well-formed HTML if they happened to rely on self-closing <script> or <iframe> tags.

    • Courses which use the course key pattern ORG/COURSE/RUN instead of the new pattern, course-v1:ORG+COURSE+RUN, are stored in our legacy storage service, Old Mongo, and will not be served by the new MFE. Instead they default to the legacy experience. But this pattern has been deprecated and will be removed.

    • Author-written JS inside a Custom Javascript Problem block which acts outside the boundary of a unit will fail. Problem blocks will no longer be able to modify other problem blocks or access any parent elements using javascript. The main use case is pulling in content from a students’ previous answers or state. This is still possible with the get_statefn attribute all within the iframe. Although this may remove some small pieces of custom functionality, it is in the interests of adhering to security protocols.

    • Course Navigation on the MFE and legacy experience will have minor differences.

      • The breadcrumbs displayed at the top of a page in the legacy experience were organized by Course -> Sequence -> Unit -> Content Block Title, but in the new MFE breadcrumbs only includes Course -> Sequence -> Unit. This removes visual clutter of having the same title repeated in a small space on the page.

      • the MFE does change the URL scheme from:


    • If all content inside a unit should be invisible to a cohort, but the sequence or the unit is not hidden, learners may be able to still see the titles of the content on the course outline, as well as the title of the sequence which contains only what should be hidden content to that learner. Note that this feature is subject to change based on Engage’s work (see comment thread above), but should remain the same for maple rollout.This issue can be removed by setting the learning_sequences.use_for_outlines waffle flag to true

  • Maintained Features:

    • Features which remain functional within MFE courses, but still will be served by the legacy experience in Maple are:

      • The XBlock student view, as exposed via the unit iframe in MFE courseware

      • Static tabs (aka Custom Pages)

      • Discussions tab

      • Wiki tab

      • Teams tab

      • Notes tab

      • Instructor dashboard.

    • Special exams (timed and proctored) will be functional within the Learning MFE for MFE enabled courses.

  • Added Features:

    • Course outlines will now feature automatic effort estimates for subsections. Courses have to be republished before they show estimates, and all videos in the course must also have durations in edx-val.

    • There are some in-course celebrations of progress. A modal popup when a learner finishes their first section. And a 3-day streak celebration modal popup.

    • The end of a course now has its own landing page. It congratulates the learner and points them at what to do next (certificate status, other courses to pursue, etc)The Course Goals feature of the Outline page will get a revamp to be less of a “what outcome do you want?” goal (which we never did anything with) and more of a “how frequently do you plan to learn?” goal with reminders for the learner (note: this is not done at the time of writing, but is planned for Maple)

  • Related Links:
