Versions Compared


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Most of our repositories are currently using Node v8 or v12. As node v8’s support ended on 31st December 2019 and node v12’s support is scheduled to end on 30th April 2022, we’re going to start upgrading our repositories to node v16.


  1. Remove node 12 and 14 from node versions list in strategy matrix for ci workflow.

  2. Switch node version from 12 to 16 in release workflow. For example, here is how node versions are specified in a workflow file:

  3. Update node version in .nvmrc file if exists to something like v16. (for local dev with nvm only)

    1. ensure your .nvmrc has node16 in it or add one. This file is not used in build/deploy pipelines, it’s

    2. just for your local dev comfort.

    3. cd to MFE dir

    4. Install nvm if not already

    5. nvm use This will change your node version to node16. It may ask you to install node16 first.

  4. Verify node version (v16.y.z) and npm versions (v8.y.z)

  5. Delete node_modules/ and package-lock files so they can be regenerated by the new npm version

  6. Make sure the package-lock.json has "lockfileVersion": 2. If it has "lockfileVersion": 1 then run npm install with Node 16 and npm 8 activated via nvm.

  7. Once the PR is ready, request a review from owning team. They’ll review the changes, test on their end and deploy.

(we’ll consider adding a modernizer to automate this phase as well).

Please update the status in this sheet as well Node 16 upgrade status tracking

Steps to deploy an MFE on Node 16:
