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Prefix your topic with your intention so we are clear on what outcome you are striving from the discussion. Examples:

  • [inform] You are simply seeking to inform the group of this item. You may field clarifying questions from the group on your inform, but not seeking further discussion at this time.

  • [ideation] You are seeking divergent and wide perspectives from this group. In this brainstorming mode, all ideas are accepted, without critical analysis.

    • It may be helpful to clarify whether you’d like to ideate on the problem space or the solution space.

  • [analysis] You are asking the group to help you poke holes in your idea/topic/plan/etc.

  • [quest] You are seeking information/responses to a question you have.



  • [Ben W] What does the http->https forwarding?

    • [Robert] Cloudflare probably for http->https. Also, an answer to a separate question, Google TagManager is often where random scripts are dropped on the page.


Low attendance due to Thanksgiving-related PTO. There was some continuation of discussions about XBlocks, iframes, and CSS conflicts, but notes weren’t taken.


  • Quick Introductions: Simon and Danielle

  • [quest] (Jeremy) 2U’s internal Slack has a #pypi-releases that (currently imperfectly) tracks releases of our dependencies from PyPI.  Is this worth enhancing and/or announcing more broadly?  Would the Open edX community benefit from some kind of equivalent that only includes dependencies of Open edX?

  • [quest](Feanil)So many OEPs in Flight, are people getting time to look at them?

  • [inform/question] (Dave) I’ve been sketching out more of the Learning Core proposal that I had mentioned a while back. What’s the best way to get feedback/thoughts/input/etc. on this, particularly from 2U?

    • Robert: Want to see: here are the use cases where I think people are going to be happier. Here’s the added pain you might feel because of this change. (in any ADRs, forum posts, etc.)

    • David Joy: How much will people need to change how they work?

    • David Joy: Bigger than ADRs

    • Andy: Need to find a champion inside 2U

  • [Q] (Ben W) The new meeting time coincides with the paragon working group… is there any other time that might work for this meeting, to allow people to attend both?

    • Jeremy: Options are very limited, but I’ll see if there are any practical alternatives


  • **** [Julia] The future of devstack - will we be examining Tutor to move to remote-based containers for development?

    • [Diana] Short answer is yes, but we should also chat about it

    • Context: is the development environment that most OCM engineers use.  There’s an alternative created by the community called Tutor, which we’re generally interested in transitioning to

      • Régis: Creator of Tutor, an alternative development (and deployment) tool for the Open edX platform.

      • tCRIL: The new non-profit that is managing the Open edX platform.

    • Tutor:

    • Analysis (slightly outdated) of Tutor usage as replacement for devstack with edX use cases in mind: Tutor Analysis

  • [Kelly] Do we have a way of spinning up a remote environment for messing around?

  • ***[Jeremy] Do we want to move this meeting a little earlier in the day?  Arbisoft people struggle to make this time slot, probably not the greatest for Capetown or Open edX star-people in Europe either.

    • Yes, let’s try for a 9am time slot (10 conflicts with too many team meetings).  May or may not involve moving to a different day of the week.

  • ** [Julia] The authN MFE now starts up with the LMS on devstack. Is this a change in thinking? The learning/courseware MFE still doesn’t start up with the LMS.

    • Julia will follow up with that team.
