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Info (Delete before publishing): This report is intended to be, as much as possible, short and sweet. It's mostly fill-in-the-blanks. The audience for all sections is "whole community"; there are optional "deep dive" sections where you can be more technical.

Table of Contents


The Product Working Group focuses primarily on understanding the needs of our community, defining core product features, and developing new or improved product features to meet our community’s needs. Our primary goal is to provide product leadership in the community. Our group is guided by the Product working group Charter .


  • Product Narrative: Creating and coalescing around the high-level vision statement for the Open edX project. It succinctly articulates the value proposition and impact of the project, the features which differentiate it, and the values and characteristics that position it as a market-leading solution. Milestones include:

    • Community survey to land on a community-driven value proposition for the project

    • Instance landscape data, to provide a comprehensive view of the organizations using Open edX, including their location, engagement level, sector and more. By understanding how the platform is being used, we can identify areas of focus and investment.(Faqir Bilal can you please provide an update?)

  • Defining the “Core Product”: this initiative aims to categorize all the features of the Open edX platform and determine which features have enough of a broad-based appeal to warrant inclusion into a minimal version of an Open edX distribution we call “Core Product”

    • Part of this work includes describing a product’s “health”, an instrument which aims to measures how well a feature meets baseline product requirements such as internationalization, accessibility, and usability

    • Another part of this work involves understanding where the feature lies in the landscape of education; this includes comparative research (looking at other platforms like Moodle and Coursera to see if/how they use the feature) and academic research (is there a case to be made this is a valid academic tool?).

  • Modular Learning : The goal of this project is to bring more flexibility to authoring and delivering learning experiences, by making all parts of the course independent, composable, re-usable and deliverable as stand-alone learning products. Benefits include: reducing course authoring time; offering more flexible pathways to designing modular learning pathways; positioning the platform to readily integrate with adaptive tools and services. The first two milestones are underway:

    • Studio copy/paste feature: Will enable authors to copy any component, unit, subsection or section and use it in another/many other course(s).

    • Content Tagging: Will enable authors to align any part of the course to a taxonomy or controlled vocabulary.

[optional] We continue to engage in a set of ongoing tasks; these tasks are work we need to be sure we’re doing on a regular basis, but we don’t want to lose sight of their importance. Those tasks are:

  • Ongoing task 1; 1-2 sentences of importance/impact

  • Ongoing task 2; 1-2 sentences of importance/impact


    • .

Concrete Plans - Next 6 Months


If applicable: Links to roadmaps/GitHub projects/important wiki pages/etcOptional: We’ll provide a deeper dive into (name project(s) you’ll deep dive into) later in this report.

Future Vision for the Group (Optional)

Moving beyond the next six months, the {working_group_name} is really excited about making progress in {areas of interest}. Describe why these areas are interesting/important, and what their intended impact is. Include as much information as you wish here, but short and sweet is also OK.

Deep Dive: Accomplishment/In-progress Initiative/Ongoing Task/Concrete Plan (Optional)

Use this section to write or link to deep dives into any of your accomplishments or initiatives that would benefit the community to know more about. You can assume readers at this point will have the background knowledge to understand this being written in industry jargon. You may have as few or many “Deep Dive” links as you’d like. If you don’t have a place to post deep-dive content at the moment, consider posting them as blog posts on the Open edX site.