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Table of Contents


Options related to placement of LTI tools for organizations and instructors. When deciding on the best placement we also need to ensure consistent interactions across the platform. At this time, the new Studio UI is a WIP. At this time, however, we could draw inspiration to the new Files and Uploads UI.

See Further Details on Subpage

Placement Case Studies:



  • Function: social annotation tool for video (and pages)

    • overlay:

      • layers on top of all video

      • allows faculty to input quizzes along the way that is graded, grade passback

      • comments and chat discussions on the video (with text, audio or video responses possible)

      • all interactions in a transparent layer on top of the video

      • annotation of page or documents also take place on a transparent layer above content

    • learning analytics tab

      • a tab where instructors can interact with learner analytics from all interactions of user with overlay


  • Function: discussion tool + coding lessons + IDE for scalable peer coding

    • pop-up/ new tab

      • recommended for IDE and peer coding

    • embedded, in-line

      • in line exercises that allow

    • side panel


  • Function: course discussion and learner + graduate community tool

    • side panel

      • for ongoing discussions to drive live learner engagement

    • in-line

      • for quick discussion prompts, perhaps graded, with automatic grade passback

      • peer to peer learning, social learning

    • discussion section tab

      • a separate discussion or community space for learners to interact with their peers/cohort and form community bonds, supportive relationships, etc

UQ or Edly Self reflection tool


Function: learner self reflection space in support of metacognition and growth mindset


In-line/ Embedded, end of unit

  • quick prompts inviting learners to interact with content


section at bottom of page

  • longer form prompts or problem sets that invite reflection


See UX/UI Subpage for Details

MVP: Key Features to Develop
