Versions Compared


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  • (Ben W) React Redux patterns and tools

  • (Ben W) Backend-For-Frontend API pattern. Translation layer between complex backends and frontend

  • (Ben W) Going from UI design to Code design

    • Wire-framing - what actual components do we need?

  • (Ben W) Data in react apps (redux, context, react-query, component state) -

    • What do we need? Where does it come from? Where do we put it? How do we manage it?

  • (Jesper) Experience with integrating React into legacy projects

  • (Brian S) GitHub Actions - so the CI isn’t a mystery

  • (Brian S) Using frontend-template-application to make a new MFE

  • (Kira) Frontend Interviews - what tools to use (excalidraw), best practices, and considerations for edX SWE interviews

    • collaborative portion as well

    • “what other FE type questions are worth using?”

    • Defining/establishing rubrics

    • WCAG 2.2 is done

  • (Jeff Witt ) A11y

    • Drag and Drop the new (WCAG 2.2) way

    • Profile settings cool people love

    • Low-vision testing with zoom, magnification etc.

    • Mobile a11y testing

    • Audio Description for video – what and when?

    • Dynamic Type support how-to

    • Label all the (right) things!

    • Keyboard access middle and edge cases

    • A11y and data – tables and DataVis

    • Personas review and tools hands-on

    • LearnerBot (Playwright-based course content review tool) tour

    • What Axe-core and ARC Toolkit won’t catch

    • Our new 2U-wide accessibility monitoring tools

    • CPACC, WAS, and Trusted Tester certifications overview

    • Text legibility all the way down

    • Aria-live – the new standard behavior

    • axe-core vs. ARC Toolkit vs. equal-access from IBM

    • Core page design / structure assumptions for accessible MFEs

Existing presentations to repeat
