Roles are listed below; the person listed next to the role is the person most highly responsible for the definition.
Axim Legal Requirements: Common for all Core Contributor Program Participants
We are asking that all Core Contributors, regardless of role, complete the following requirement:
We are additionally asking that, for those Core Contributors contributing on behalf of an employer, all employers of Core Contributors sign the Revised Declaration of Commitment to the Core Contributor Program to demonstrate that they are willing to spend part of your time working on the Open edX project.
Test the following areas and produce actionable issue reports, following up with coders needing clarification, retesting, etc.
Test new features prior to or immediately after release, including accessibility and internationalization aspects
Test out/exercise named releases
Test and review documentation of features, both new and existing features (maintenance work)
Test and review release notes.
Potentially read only access to Miro
Potentially access to shared Google docs
Access they already can get for free: GitHub read access, devstack, tCRIL Axim training site account
Requirements for nomination:
At least 6 months of QA work for any area of the Open edX project, including QA work for BTR and reporting well-documented bugs with reproduction steps
Per the definition of the Core Contributor program, a demonstration of the “3 C’s”:
Commitment: Has shown ongoing work in the Product space for the Open edX community
Conduct: In written and verbal communication, is welcoming to all, provides helpful feedback, and overall maintains a positive attitude
Caliber: The work produced is of a consistent high quality
Proficiency in professional English
Follows the documentation specifications laid out in OEP-19
Maintain existing documentation: reviewing/updating documentation as needed, including:
Onboarding materials
Documentation infrastructure
Produce new documentation, including:
Test out released features and document their use
Test out developer-facing tools (devstack, Tutor) and document their use
Test out installing/running named releases and document how to do it
(potentially) provide documentation for unreleased features (note: I currently believe we do not have the capacity to support documentation of unreleased features)
Access you already can get for free: devstack, learner account on tCRILAxim-hosted Open edX instance, local instance, or other community-based instance
Write access to Open edX documentation repositories
(potentially) access to shared Google docs & read-only access to Miro, if documenting unreleased features
Requirements for nomination:
Portfolio of documentation work done for the Open edX project (not a fork)
Per the definition of the Core Contributor program, a demonstration of the “3 C’s”:
Commitment: Has shown ongoing work in the Product space for the Open edX community
Conduct: In written and verbal communication, is welcoming to all, provides helpful feedback, and overall maintains a positive attitude
Caliber: The work produced is of a consistent high quality
Create design work in standard tools for upcoming/in flight projects
Participates in Design Review meetings with 2U/edX UX team, as needed
Has a “champion” relationship with a UX manager, as needed
Unfortunately 2U/edX does not currently have opportunities for UX work that is not a part of established projects. This means you should bring your own community projects, or ask the 2U/edX team if there’s work available that you can pick up.
email cc-program-admins@tcriladmins@Axim.org if you have a project/proposal of what to work on, and we’ll start a conversation
In some cases, JIRA/Confluence
2U/edX requirements:
Participate in an interview with UX team
Requirements for nomination:
Portfolio of UX work done for Open edX (the main project, not a fork)
Per the definition of the Core Contributor program, a demonstration of the “3 C’s”:
Commitment: Has shown ongoing work in the Product space for the Open edX community
Conduct: In written and verbal communication, is welcoming to all, provides helpful feedback, and overall maintains a positive attitude
Caliber: The work produced is of a consistent high quality
Forum moderators have the “moderator” capability in the Open edX forums. Additionally they may serve as Community TAs for one or more courses hosted on a tCRILAxim-hosted Open edX instance.
Re-Categorize new topics
Remove spam posts/ban spam users
Organize older topics as needed/maintain the platform
Respond to topics with high quality answers - pointers to documentation, referral to other users, etc
(for regular forum) Moderator role on discuss.openedx.org
(for regular forum) Access to #discourse-moderators in Open edX Slack
(for Community TAs) Community TA permissions on one or more tCRILAxim-produced Open edX courses
Requirements for nomination
At least 6 months of consistent forums presence and high quality answers
Per the definition of the Core Contributor program, a demonstration of the “3 C’s”:
Commitment: Has shown ongoing work in the Product space for the Open edX community
Conduct: In written and verbal communication, is welcoming to all, provides helpful feedback, and overall maintains a positive attitude
Caliber: The work produced is of a consistent high quality
This role refers specifically to those community members with authoring permissions on a tCRILAxim-hosted Open edX instance.
Author content for one or more tCRILAxim-produced courses
Studio (authoring) access to one or more tCRILAxim-produced courses in the tCRIL Axim Open edX instance
Requirements for nomination
Per the definition of the Core Contributor program, a demonstration of the “3 C’s”:
Commitment: Has shown ongoing work in the Product space for the Open edX community
Conduct: In written and verbal communication, is welcoming to all, provides helpful feedback, and overall maintains a positive attitude
Caliber: The work produced is of a consistent high quality
This role refers specifically to those community members with admin permissions for one or more courses on a tCRILAxim-hosted Open edX instance. Admin permissions are defined as permissions which allow you to view sensitive learner information such as learner email addresses, learner course grades, and problem submissions. A person with an in-course designation of “Community TA” does not fall under this umbrella but rather would fall under the “Forum moderators” CC distinction.
Could have a Champion (essentially point of contact & advocate) per role type - thinking
The Transifex Working Group with assistance from Eden will serve as champion for and oversight of Translators.
We could build out a QA function organically and have a QA Working Group oversee team efforts
Marketing WG with assistance from Eden serves as champion/oversight of Marketing CCs
UX Core Contributors will work alongside a 2U/edX “champion”
Project managers will likely not need champions, but rather points of contact at tCRIL Axim and possibly within other community member orgs necessary to carry out their work
Product managers will work alongside a 2U/edX or tCRIL Axim “champion”, likely the person they work most closely with for a given project or someone acting in a bit of a mentorship-like capacity