The following packages are used by all or nearly all Open edX micro-frontends. This is only including dependencies
- the assumption is that devDependencies
are likely necessary for an MFE to build itself, and therefore less interesting for this exercise since they can’t be meaningfully ‘combined’ in most cases. If they were, they’re generally already part of @edx/frontend-build
Package | Size (un-gzipped) | Notes |
@edx/brand | Variable | |
@edx/frontend-component-footer | 88.1k | |
@edx/frontend-component-header | 156.9k | |
@edx/frontend-platform | 355.3k | |
@openedx/paragon (or @edx/paragon) | Big | bundlephobia.com choked on the paragon build, but we expect it’s the largest thing here. That said, today, Paragon components are dropped during treeshaking |
classnames | 0.8k | |
core-js | 241.1k | |
prop-types | 0.9k | |
react | 6.4k | |
react-dom | 130.2k | |
react-redux | 11.2k | |
react-router | 58.9k | |
react-router-dom | 77.1k | |
redux | 3.7k | |
regenerator-runtime | 6.6k |