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⏪ Previous TODOs

Task report

\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics






Feanil Patel

  • Switching edx-platform unit tests to standard ubuntu runners

  • CI will fail if a Python package is added that lives in the edx org

    • Encourage EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS instead of direct deps

    • Not just edx. It’ll be a denylist

      • edx

      • mit-odl

      • open-craft

      • et al

    • Third-parties (Django) are fine

    • Temp allowlist for current ones

High-level arch brainstorming/tracking - what’s a good space?

Kyle McCormick

Where should stuff like this ^ live?

edx-platform GitHub issues


  • Feanil: maybe not

  • Robert: how do we prioritize?

Docs for things we’ve already decided - e.g. no new legacy frontends

Put it on the platform-roadmap? when it’s ready

Maintenance board?

Apply labels:

  • code-health + epic

  • architecture + epic ?

Kyle will turn the google doc into issues and figure out how to organize them

edx-platform app-level docs

Robert Raposa


  • Add app-level READMEs

  • Add top-level index page to make discovery easier.

  • Eventually update OEP-19 with best practices for exposing these for a repo.

Redwood bug triage for edx-platform

Kyle McCormick

We expect that

  • bugs will be found in release testing

  • BTR will triage them

    • if they belong to an active dev team (eg tagging), they work on the fix

    • but if they are unexpected regressions, then BTR will triage the severity..

      • if it’s a release blocker, then BTR will find the maintiner

      • if it’s edx-platform, then we are the maintainer, so we’ll need to figure out how to find the right person/team to do the fix

      • Let’s cross that bridge when it happens. No action needed now.

[switch to full maintenance WG mode]



Any appetite to update guidelines around pinning constraints? See idea:

  • Please provide your input on this issue.

Dependabot PRs

Robert Raposa (unless Jillian Vogel joins)

From Jillian Vogel:

I've started maintaining a couple of openedx repos, and am working through the dependabot PRs. 

Does anyone have any advice for me?  I'm curious how people manage the continual stream.

Un maintained repos

Chintan Joshi - Chintan is gonna try to do some of the initial maintenance on a bunch of these.

✅ Action items

  •  Kyle McCormick turn the Big Ideas google doc into issues and figure out how to organize them
  •  Robert Raposa Add edx-platform issue for improving the docs (see notes above).
  •  Chintan Joshi Update maintenance docs with guidance for when to merge regular dependency update PRs

⤴ Decisions