- Old endpoint: /api/course_structure/v0/courses/{course_id}/blocks+navigation
- New endpoint:
- The loadtest environment has been set up differently which have better response times for mongo queries.
- There may have been some performance changes since the test. To adjust for this, we will rerun the tests for the old endpoint.
- course-v1:edx+DemoX.1+LT_SPLIT and course-v1:MITx+6.002x_6x+1T2015 were not available this time around so equivalent courses were used as the replacement.
- The old tests did not use the edx fork of locust, the new test will also not be using the edx fork.
- Numbers of users: 2
- Wait time: 1000ms
- Endpoint/courses are requested on an even distribution.
Raw dump, format later:
- Nit: Need to modify test since the course/endpoint didn't cycle properly.
Name # reqs # fails Avg Min Max | Median req/s
GET GET MITx%2F6.002x%2F2013_Spring, using the New API 458 0(0.00%) 599 476 2571 | 540 0.10
GET GET MITx/6.002x/2013_Spring, using the Old API 159 0(0.00%) 4554 4234 6139 | 4500 0.10
GET GET course-v1%3AMITx%2B6.002x%2B2013, using the New API 457 0(0.00%) 1768 1517 5112 | 1700 0.10
GET GET course-v1%3AedX%2BDemoX.1%2Bsplit, using the New API 458 0(0.00%) 217 185 598 | 200 0.10
GET GET course-v1:MITx+6.002x+2013, using the Old API 159 0(0.00%) 9495 9017 12543 | 9500 0.00
GET GET course-v1:edX+DemoX.1+split, using the Old API 159 0(0.00%) 868 762 1300 | 830 0.00
GET GET edX%2FDemoX.1%2F2014, using the New API 457 0(0.00%) 71 57 246 | 63 0.10
GET GET edX/DemoX.1/2014, using the Old API 160 0(0.00%) 254 221 515 | 230 0.00
GET create user 1 0(0.00%) 352 352 352 | 350 0.00
Total 2468 0(0.00%) 0.50