[Jenna]: Product to update https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tWgp9LXNg4sfWYd_0ghNl6qfIZZ9851MtGBXPeSgzFs/edit?gid=0#gid=0 with current plans for Sumac, ahead of the August monthly planning
[Peter]: Review all the tests.
Remove ones that are no longer relevant.
Write better test descriptions for legacy tests, in the style of the new Redwood tests.
Look for opportunities to automate tests.
[Peter]: To discuss: should we invest in the test course repo?
[Maria]: review issues reported on the board with “no test id” or “no test case” to decide whether to include them in the test sheet or specify which test they are part of
[Maria]: Try to solve issues on the board alongside maintainers to avoid accumulating them for Sumac
[Jenna] To discuss: A new role for a product-BTR liaison/coordinator
To coordinate bug prioritization
To collaborate with testing manager to write and manage regression and AC tests
Product liaison[Jenna]: Adding the Product Liaison role to the process