\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
⏮️ Previous TODOs
Task report | ||||||
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
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React 18 Upgrade |
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edx-val maintainership | Aurora team would like to propose themselves as maintainers. What is step 1?
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Maintainership |
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Legacy Studio Frontend Deprecation |
✅ Action items
- Feanil Patel Jeremy Ristau follow up about the name-affirmation repo and whethere it should remain part of the edx org.
- Feanil Patel Ticket up frontend-base transition on the maintenance board/platform-roadmap so maintainers know it’s coming.
- Jeremy Ristau to dig into the videos page in studio and what the current state of that is in the studio code.