Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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  1. Continue support for awarding honor/verified/professional course certificates.

  2. Continue support for allowing recipients to share achievements via social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter).

  3. Add support for awarding programs (XSeries) certificates.

  4. Migrate existing web and PDF certificates to any new system.

    1. Preserve existing PDFs in S3.

    2. Update dashboard links to point to web certificates, instead of directly to S3.

  5. Add support for external verification of web certificates via (SOL-1335, SOL-1298)

  6. New system must support multi-tenancy—partitioning credentials by site/microsite (use django sites framework).


Every certificate has a template representing the rendered (HTML+CSS) certificate. Most certificates will use the same template—signatures, organization logo, course name—with variations for mode 'certificate_type' (e.g. honor, verified, professional). There is a case where the certificate templates can include other assets. Hence the 'CertificateTemplateAsset model', responsible for tracking assets for these special cases. Also for now certificates uses organization app for creating a template against a particular organization or related to one of its specific modes e.g. 'honor', 'verified' etc.  This current feature allows instructor/admins to set an explicit template for the certificate at various level of depth. specific course mode override, course override, org override. then the base templates. This template override functionality will also carried over to the credentials.

The UserCredential model tracks which users have been awarded credentials. Only two statuses are supported at this time: 'awarded' and 'revoked'. To save the extra attributes e.g. 'grade' and 'whitelist' we have have a generic model 'UserCredentialAttribute'. For specificity of course related attributes we will use the prefix 'course' for the field 'namespace' e.g. 'course.grade'. The 'download_url' field will be used to distinguish between the course web certificates and course pdf certificates. This field will have the link for the PDF e.g. ff the UUID is 'abc123', the download URL should simply be 'https://<S3-HOST>/<UUID>/certificate.pdf'.


Some basic analytics related to course certificates for migration point of view.


Web Certificates:


Total courses

Total cert issued

Min cert count

Max cert count

Avg cert count









Total Templates

Total template assets





TODO: New tool?
