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A Django management script will be written that will traverse the contentstore and for each course will find all the video objects. Any transcripts related to the found video objects will be pushed to S3 as an atomic task. In the transaction, a video's transcripts metadata will be migrated from video component to edxval and the corresponding transcript content will be migrated from contentstore to S3.


Happy Path:

Search for all courses in modulestore()


Migration validation will be at the video level. Before updating the feature flag to enable Phase II for a course, the transcript count for the video will be compared in both contentstore modulestore and S3edx-val

End User Communication

Migration time window will be chosen as a time of least activity


  1. Where should the script search for transcripts … in draft, published or both (Resolved: both will be migrated)
    Should we delete any partially migrated data for a “failed migration” course from S3. Alternately, we could overwrite the data in a subsequent run of the script (Resolved. Transcripts will not be overwritten. See section 4b in comments by Nimisha)