- Ned made a great concurrency joke
- Concurrency is hard.
- We believe edx is single threaded, but has multiple processes.
- Mongo and django, have their own mechanisms for concurrency.
- GIL! Global Interpreter Lock
- Python code that runs on two threads, are still not run at the same time and on a single core
- Ssssssssss
March 9, 2016
Chapter 17: Smells and Heuristics
- Removing commented out code - Yes or No? YES!!
- G30: Functions should do one thing
- Creating a Coding Standard Convention Wiki
- Find terminology used throughout the book that we want to use to identify.
- Make sure we don't get too jargony - that it makes it hard for newcomers to come up to speed.
- Make sure PR reviewers still continue to explain themselves rather than just throw out a term.
- Hyperlinkable sections.
- Create a confluence wiki - contributor guidelines.
- Action Items:
- Order "Effective Python" Cliff Dyer (Deactivated)
- Invite all of Eng to club Cliff Dyer (Deactivated)
- Ping IT on creating Github team Christopher Lee (Deactivated)
- Create wiki for coding convention Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated)