Versions Compared


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  1. What are the use cases for Collection-level versioning?
    1. Licensing version ranges for the Collection.

Meeting Notes

Braden, on File-based:

  • Strengths and Weakness: Flexibility
    • more future-proof
    • Braden concerns
      • Validation
        • DO: OLX validation has to happen in any approach. There is more flexibility in the file-based store though, so it might be harder.
        • BM: Includes and references as part of the XML
          • What depends on what specifically
            • Pulling out a problem from a Unit Bundle, what assets does that Bundle need?
      • Queryability
        • Does not capture fine grained dependencies (individual assets, units?)
          • Use case:
            • 20 PDFs that I link to.
            • If there are multiple Units that link to the same PDF, link bundle to each unit that needs it.
            • No way to know which PDFs are used where.
            • NA: Are we going to expose the concept of a Bundle to users?
            • BM: Solution: When you link to another Bundle, can specify list of file paths that you're using.
              • NA: Will need to layer this onto search functionality.
        • Keeping metadata in sync with S3 source of truth
          • Version information, extract names
          • BM: Would be useful to know what's in use and what's not.
            • Could track via S3, CDN logging
          • Use Case: Blockstore V2. Need to take horrible task of transforming all the data.
      • Doesn't offer many features
        • Course Structure (getting complete graph of course)
        • Versioning of Collections
          • Licensing changes use case?
          • Release Notes
        • Relies more heavily on search capability (since no DB query)
        • Can't do anything smart related to contents
          • BM:
            • Not sure if Blockstore is the right level for it, but XBlock data migrations.
            • OLX Validation in general. (plugin)
            • Having to do boilerplate to validate data integrity.
              • Does a file's contents match its name?
              • Does a bundle's contents match its declared type?
              • Does a reference to another bundle actually exist?
              • Does a version referenced actually exist?
  • Nimisha questions:
    • Theoretically decoupled from the fact that it's OLX, or that it's a filesystem...?
    • Blockstore used for read/write/edit, but read-optimized is a separate store?
      • Yes, read-optimized LMS store is separate
      • PP: Read-optimized store supporting adaptive learning?
        • BM: Have something higher level on top of Blockstore that stores Course Outlines
    • Search for re-use?
      • ES backed, separate module in Blockstore or external to it.

Decision: Moving forward with file-based proposal, but come back to and examine:

  • precursor files
  • extracting reusable problems from Units
  • static file references from within XBlocks, how those translate into LMS URLs
  • Search! Need to get to the bottom of this, use cases, requirements.
  • Garbage collection – is there a good way to do this?
  • Links simplification

Dave to summarize meeting decisions, consolidate wiki entries.

  • OEP 20
    • enumerate main decisions
    • fuller details can be in Confluence
  • Potentially separate OEPs for;
    • Blockstore
    • Layer on top of Blockstore / Mapping edx-platform content
    • Tagging
    • Search