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Separating Step from Stepper

Kevin McGrath (Deactivated)


15 min

Distinguishing completed steps in the stepper from the active steps + introducing

Alena Egorova (question)

* Difficult to tell uncompleted step vs. completed step (only differentiation is the check icon vs. step number).

  • Use case: going back and forth between steps, so this is a bit unintuitive.

  • We’ll sync back about this.

10-15 min

Where does TinyMCE or WYSWIG editors fit in paragon?

TJ Tracy (Deactivated)

  • Should a rich text editor be included by paragon?

  • Should we wrap TinyMCE in a paragon component? or should we standardize its use elsewhere?

  • What would we actually gain from wrapping TinyMCE? What about plugins we built?

  • What about paid plugins?


  • TinyMCE is used for rich text editor / WYSIWYG editor in a few places in platform

    • TinyMCE chosen b/c it’s a11y

    • goto defacto option but there’s no standards around it

    • MFE: npm package; edx-platform: self-hosted library

  • [JeffW]

    • editors across platform should have consistent behavior & plugins

    • keeping use cases in sync is a step forward

    • decision in Paragon hinges on consistency

    • tinymce = a11y, free/open source, extensible

  • [AdamS] are there paid plugins? does this matter?

    • some interest in paid plugins (i.e., spellcheck, a11y checker, basic vs. advanced [pro] editor)

    • API key to denote paid plugins; self-hosted version

  • [Kevin]

    • Basic use is documented, but extensible but advanced use is possible but might not be supported natively in Paragon?

Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • Filing tickets for WGAC 2.0 to address a11y issues with focus, etc.

✅ Action items

  •  Kevin McGrath (Deactivated) to start conversation with stakeholders related to resourcing the atomic “Step” component work on the engineering of things.
  •  Adam Stankiewicz Create new PAR epic for new atomic “Step” component.
  •  Adam Stankiewicz Create new PAR epic for new Rich Text Editor (name TBD) with sub-tasks
  •  Design: Create standalone component page for Rich Text Editor
  •  Create ADR for proposal for rich text editor with TinyMCE

⤴ Decisions

  • Create atomic, standalone Step component to be used by Stepper and elsewhere in Pathway/Program cards.
  • Add Rich Text Editor (via TinyMCE) to Paragon.