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The unidigital Uni Digital initiative wants to contribute some minor but important enhancements to the FeedbackXblock


  • When a course team want to use the feedbackxblock FeedbackXBlock in multiple places of the course to capture fine grained ratings and feedback, there is no easy way to see the aggregated results.

  • There The interface for configuring the feedbackXblock FeedbackXBlock is not up to the best standard in terms of UI / UX

  • The component is currenly currently only supported in englishEnglish

Use cases:

  • As an instructor, I want to easily add ways for learners to give ratings and feedback about the course experience, and have a place to see all the feedback colected collected from across all the course.

  • As a learner I want to be able to rate the course content and provide feedback, ideally using an interface in my own language.

Proposed solution:

The Unidigital Uni Digital project (Spanish universities consortium) is interested and motivated to contribute the following improvements to the FeedbackXblock:

  • to present a new tab on the instructor dashboard with the aggregated ratings data and the comments received for each feedbackxblocks FeedbackXBlock in the course

  • to change the settings interface to allow you to configure things like the title, the thank you message, and the visibility of the aggregated scores

  • to add a third set of images for the rating interface (it currently supports faces and numbers), namely stars star icons.

  • to fix some glitches in the interface for editing the settings of the xblock Xblock in studioStudio

  • to add Spanish translations to the component

Proposed visuals:



Edit settings in studio. New options with stars instead as an additional layout option

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Student view before any vote or feedback is submitted

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Right after submitting a vote

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Right after submitting feedback

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Instructor dashboard view (just a rough idea)

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Other approaches considered:

we We have also considered forking the Xblock and building a new version with these changes, but since they are minor improvements and aditions additions to the capability of the current component, it feels like a suboptimal sub-optimal approach not to contribute the changes to the official xblockXblock.

Competitive research:

  • How do Canvas/Moodle/Coursera solve this problem?


Plan for long-term ownership/maintainership

edunext is commited committed to build building and contribute contributing this work as part of the unidigital Uni Digital (spanish Spanish government) project. As part of that commitment, edunext would commit to maintain the feature for a minimum of 2 years and after that, either find a suitable maintainer to hand it over to, or to follow a the deprecation procedure in case the feature has any inconvenience inconveniences or its maintenance is a burden that no one can carry.
