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Devstack development process

  1. Clone the repo to your devstack/src directory. This directory is generally mounted to be shared with the devstack VM
  2. `vagrant ssh` to SSH on to the Devstack
  3. `sudo su edxapp` to log in at the edxapp user
  4. cd to the src/xblock-drag-and-drop-v2/ directory
  5. run `pip uninstall xblock-drag-and-drop-v2` to remove the installed version
  6. run `python develop`

Feature Overview

Drag and drop v2 XBlock implements a friendly drag-and-drop style problem, where the learner has to drag items to zones on a target image.


Studio interface (drag_and_drop_edit.js) contains single function/class DragAndDropEditBlock(runtime, element, params) that follows JS XBlock signature.


  • DnDv2 test suite heavily relies on integration tests - might be good to replace at least some of those with unit tests (python and JS)
    • Take very long time to run entire suite
    • No JS unit tests
    • JS code coverage is never collected (there are tools for instrumenting selenium to do so, but no one actually investigated this).
    • Some tests are fragile (but not flaky) - under certain conditions element to receive a click is not visible in the selenium viewport, which results in an error. All of such tests have `scroll_down` parameter somewhere in the call chain - adjusting the value might be needed when DnDv2 layout changes.
    • Code coverage result is probably an over-estimation as integration tests tend to hit a lot of lines, while actually testing a few. Branch coverage might be quite poor.
  • Complete lack of logging
  • No load tests, but most likely there shouldn't be any problem.
  • Trivial tech debt:
    • 2 handlers do not use XBlock.json_handler decorator, but still return "application/json"
    • Keeping highest available grade is not documented in any student-facing part of the system, so students only can discover it by trial and error; also, this is not in line with CAPA problems
    • Significant vertical separation - methods in DragAndDropBlock are not always semantically grouped together.
    • Very long and complicated methods (i.e. get_feedback)
  • DragAndDropBlock class resembles a God Object a bit - might make sense to start pulling it apart (this is considered and certain options are evaluated now)
  • Some methods and properties have to be invoked in certain order (and that order is not explicitly visible) - potential source of bugs:
  • Complex frontend code + different libs are used for editor and for student view (VirtualDom vs Handlebars).
  • (Arguable) Student view does not use templates at all - as a result everything is constructed via VirtualDom calls - complex and non-intuitive (~500 lines of code building DOM elements)

Student interaction diagrams

Standard ModeAssessment Mode

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