Versions Compared


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Native installs

Make sure everything is running. Services might be listed as something other than RUNNING:

Code Block
vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl status
analytics_api                    RUNNING   pid 2050, uptime 0:15:35
certs                            RUNNING   pid 8656, uptime 0:00:02
ecommerce                        RUNNING   pid 2084, uptime 0:15:35
ecomworker                       RUNNING   pid 2045, uptime 0:15:35
edxapp:cms                       RUNNING   pid 2083, uptime 0:15:35
edxapp:lms                       RUNNING   pid 2079, uptime 0:15:35
edxapp_worker:cms_default_1      RUNNING   pid 2099, uptime 0:15:34
edxapp_worker:cms_high_1         RUNNING   pid 2095, uptime 0:15:34
edxapp_worker:cms_low_1          RUNNING   pid 2086, uptime 0:15:34
edxapp_worker:lms_default_1      RUNNING   pid 2096, uptime 0:15:34
edxapp_worker:lms_high_1         RUNNING   pid 2101, uptime 0:15:34
edxapp_worker:lms_high_mem_1     RUNNING   pid 2090, uptime 0:15:34
edxapp_worker:lms_low_1          RUNNING   pid 2100, uptime 0:15:34
forum                            RUNNING   pid 2046, uptime 0:15:35
insights                         RUNNING   pid 2104, uptime 0:15:34
notifier-celery-workers          RUNNING   pid 2049, uptime 0:15:35
notifier-scheduler               RUNNING   pid 2059, uptime 0:15:35
programs                         RUNNING   pid 2048, uptime 0:15:35
xqueue                           RUNNING   pid 2065, uptime 0:15:35
xqueue_consumer                  RUNNING   pid 2044, uptime 0:15:35

E-Commerce Test

  1. Make sure FEATURES.ENABLE_OAUTH2_PROVIDER is set to true in /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json
  2. Follow the Configure the LMS section of Test Your E-Commerce Application steps 1–9, see setting changes below. Skip the step for starting the app server, since it's already started.
  3. Follow the Configure E-Commerce section of Test Your E-Commerce Application steps 1–8, see setting changes below. Instead of starting the app server, reboot the server before trying to access E-Commerce so the settings can take effect.

Configuration Differences

For configuring E-Commerce to talk to the LMS, you'll need to use a fully qualified domain name or IP address assigned to your machine. In this case, assuming we're using a machine with the IP address of


Code Block

LMS Django Admin Oauth2 Client

Code Block
Redirect URI:
Logout URL:


Code Block

When Creating A New Site Linking to the LMS

Be sure to use --site-domain= and --lms-url-root=

Open edX Developer Stack ("Devstack") Release Test Plan

Smoke tests to ensure a new devstack release is functioning properly.


Make sure you can start LMS.


Make sure you can start CMS.

Create a small course, make sure you can see it in the LMS.

Make sure you can preview an unpublished course unit.


Make sure you can start Forum.

TODO: Is there a better test than visiting <http://localhost:18080>?In the LMS, start a discussion thread, and add a reply.

edx-platform Unit Tests

For devstack:

$ sudo su edxapp
$ paver test


edx-platform bok-choy Tests

  1. Set up the bok-choy test server. This will take about 15 minutes.

    paver test_bokchoy -r

    -r stands for --serversonly.

  2. In another terminal window, run tests. The test modules are relative to common/test/acceptance/tests/.

    paver test_bokchoy -a -o -t video/

    paver test_bokchoy -a -o -t video/

    paver test_bokchoy -a -o -t lms/

    -a stands for --fasttest and -o stands for --testsonly. Both options must be set while in client mode.

  3. In another terminal window, run tests. The test modules are relative to common/test/acceptance/tests/.

    paver test_bokchoy -a -o -t lms/

    There are known failures for this test suite currently.

  4. Make sure X11 forwarding work. You must be on the host machine (physically or via Screen Sharing). X11 forwarding doesn't work if you're SSHed into the host machine.

    1. Install XQuartz

    brew cask install xquartz

    12. Let Vagrant know you want to forward X11.

    export VAGRANT_X11=1

    13. Start the guest box and SSH into it.

    vagrant up && vagrant ssh

    14. Verify X11 forwarding is working in the guest VM.

    $ echo $DISPLAY


    You can also start Firefox, for example, and it should show up on your desktop via XQuartz.


E-Commerce Test

  1. Follow the Configure the LMS section of Test Your E-Commerce Application steps 1–9.
  2. Follow the Configure E-Commerce section of Test Your E-Commerce Application steps 1–8.


We still need to have smoke tests for the following:

  • ecommerce
  • ecomworker
  • programs
  • notifier


  • Installation: each installation method must complete successfully
  • Automated tests
    • For devstack: run "paver test"
  • Manual tests
    • Create a sandbox installation of Native, and have the manual testers test it.

For the future

  • Consider the end-to-end tests (  They are probably not going to make it in for Ficus, but they are getting more repeatable.

OpenCraft release testing procedures

OpenCraft uses the OpenCraft Instance Manager to test deployments and upgrades on OpenStack.
