Prefix your topic with your intention so we are clear on what outcome you are striving from the discussion. Examples:
[inform] You are simply seeking to inform the group of this item. You may field clarifying questions from the group on your inform, but not seeking further discussion at this time.
[ideation] You are seeking divergent and wide perspectives from this group. In this brainstorming mode, all ideas are accepted, without critical analysis.
It may be helpful to clarify whether you’d like to ideate on the problem space or the solution space.
[analysis] You are asking the group to help you poke holes in your idea/topic/plan/etc.
[quest] You are seeking information/responses to a question you have.
(Dave) New Relic -> DataDog status
Related: Application Performance Monitoring
Contract expires around June
Edx-platform should have open telemetry compatible layer for this so people can plug in their own APM solutions.
[inform] (Kelly) I made a terrible diagram of edx-platform: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/fb870610-f8b4-4b7e-a509-1b871f81c54b/edit?beaconFlowId=8DBD553E85CDC9EE&invitationId=inv_e964873a-34ba-4bea-bc36-2fbe304edf40&page=9J6X4Q5XLMLH#
Related: https://openedx.slack.com/archives/C0497NQCLBT/p1702908527116319 and https://github.com/openedx/docs.openedx.org/issues/449
Within 2U, some of this stuff probably should be owned by Service Experience but isn’t yet
[Ned] Divergence Strategies: https://2u-internal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ENG/pages/730005583/Divergence
Xavier’s doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YyRxBrgIVoxwdcQLTWMyfUdFnxcRaqLJD1kTxBbIUn8/edit
[quest] (Dave): How’s the MySQL 8.0 switchover going?
Scheduled for 2am tonight
[quest] (Dave): What’s a good way to roll out database connection encoding changes to Studio for http://edx.org ? (configuration repo help)
Dave to make issue in configuration repo (?) to track this.
This may be overridable in edx-internal (which would allow for faster rollback)
Jeremy will see if we want to turn on Issues there
High-level, external-safe discussion of recent 2U staff meetings
[ideation] (Jeremy) 2U executive management has been talking a lot about the “Open edX maintenance burden”. Where are teams feeling this, and how much time is it taking? What parts of it would we actually be comfortable handing over to other organizations to handle?
Fixing bugs?
Merging dependency upgrade PRs?
Big framework upgrades?
Roadmap decisions?
Reviewing changes from outside the core owning/maintaining team?
Deprecating stuff that’s no longer useful?
Building extension points so optional features can be added without being added for everyone?
[quest] (Jeremy) Are there more things like the Insights stack that are effectively only used by 2U, and should be deprecated as far as Open edX is concerned?
And how should we proactively identify things like this moving forward?
(Andy) At least a yearish ago there was at least one other insights user
[quest] How deep are architecture vendor commitments? What failover features are there?
[Ned] What is bad about installing dependencies from GitHub?
OEP-18: Python Dependency Management — Open edX Proposals 1.0 documentation (see the end of the “Rationale” section)
[Jeremy] What would people want to see from an Open edX maintenance working group?
Expertise about how to use Dependabot and Renovate
“Error budget” for teams is useful
Test suites that are comprehensive enough and fast enough to run
Standard way to avoid trying to upgrade to a known-broken release again somewhere else
Clear path from identification of unwanted dependencies to deprecation of them
Path to consistently applying new good code patterns across our codebase
[Jeremy] What are leading causes of delayed/lost PR reviews on your teams?
[Andy/Cosmonauts] Big, intimidating PRs and lack of context after an ownership transfer
[Chris] Variety of different reasons
[Hilary] PRs that span ownership boundaries
[Andy] High/unclear level of responsibility from approving a PR
[inform] (Dave) Submit Open edX conference talks!
[AS][Wild Speculation] Are we in a startup runway situation now?
Should we consider more extreme short-term measures than we normally would, to minimize operating costs in the meantime?
Axim is coordinating a pile of funded contribution (FC) projects to make various improvements already; not a lot of bandwidth for new feature requests right now.
Spent a lot of time discussing this, hard to distill it into key points