Versions Compared


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Alena Egorova

  • Toggle outline (valid/invalid states) use cases, and checked toggle color

    • Notes:

      • Should text label match the on/off state of the toggle switch?

      • Is the toggle switch representing an action or a persistent state?

      • What are the use cases for the toggle switch outlines? Is it a temporary outline after an action has been taken?

      • Is it possible to have the toggle switch be filled with a different color (rather than the default elm background)?

      • Related thought question from Jeff W.: is there an opportunity to make the list/card views in DataTable similar to this form toggle switch?

    • Decision: move forward with ability to fill toggle switch with different color variant; file Paragon ticket for implementation; UX to add these variants to Figma library for Form.Switch.


Binod Pant

Toggle buttons (and their use in DataTable): need team feedback before implementation (ticket from Quokkas: ) and related page

Decision: IconButton.Toggle as a standalone component that handles the selection (and a11y) between 2 IconButtons.

1 minute


Broaden access for Paragon Working Group for the Open edX community:

  • Update on Paragon Working Group meeting invite

    • New day/time

    • New invitees

    • Moving to zoom

  • Shared/external Slack channel

(Slack channel and meeting invite setup is in-progress.)

Action items

  •  Alena Egorova to add specs for color variant filled Form.Switch to Figma design system library
  •  Adam Stankiewicz to file implementation ticket for the color variant filled Form.Switch to PAR board.
  •  Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated) Add component to Figma library for the IconButton.Toggle proposal (taking data view toggle and making its own more generic standalone component).


  • Form.Switch will support color variants as filled background when toggled “on”.
  • Data view toggle between List/Grid will be a standalone IconButton.Toggle component