This page collects together information about the Notifications Service.
Feature Overview
Page Properties |
Category | Core Infrastructure |
Documentation | LINK TBD |
User Impact | As a learner I am able to receive notifications for my activity on edX, helping me to stay engaged and understand what I should do next. |
Confluence Documentation
Child pages (Children Display) |
JIRA Issues
Jira Charts |
server | JIRA ( |
sortDirection | jql | project%20%3D%20TNL%20and%20component%20%3D%20%22Bookmarks%22 |
ystattype | components |
chartType | twodimensional |
width | sortBy | isAuthenticated | true |
numberToShow | 5 |
xstattype | issuetype |
serverId | 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 |
Project Listing
Page Properties |
Project Listing | Page Properties Report |
headings | Project Status, Delivery Timeline |
pageSize | 5 |
cql | label = "feature-notifications" and space in ("TNL","MA") |
/wiki/spaces/EDUCATOR/pages/71893184 (Parent Page: includes milestones, other discovery and links) Child pages (Children Display) |