Meeting with devOps: Kevin and MaxFalcone (Deactivated) and MaxR (Deactivated)
- Notifications Pipeline Configuration
- Having a centralized notifications service for configuration settings adds much more complexity than needed.
- version management, caching settings in each IDA, etc..
- Conclusion: keep it simple.
- If needed in the future, we can have the configurable setting be on the message object itself.
- This also allows different pipeline steps for different message types.
- For now, the pipeline steps (order and named queues) can be configured in each IDA.
- As we don't expect this to change for a single open edX deployment.
- If needed in the future, we can have the configurable setting be on the message object itself.
- Having a centralized notifications service for configuration settings adds much more complexity than needed.
- Number of Recipients per message
- Is there a use-case for having multiple recipient targets per message?
- De-duplication of messages - in case a user is in more than on target type
- However, this can be achieved using exclusion selectors / list instead.
- De-duplication of messages - in case a user is in more than on target type
- Is there a need to support bulk sending?
- Push notifications have some support of "channels" for bulk sending
- However, these channels have to be pre-configured.
- Issues when users have multiple devices and channels are not configured on all devices.
- Doesn't support localization well.
- Experience from the Bulk Email feature
- Upon failures, messages are sent multiple times if failure happens at a later offset.
- Push notifications have some support of "channels" for bulk sending
- Conclusion: single "virtual" user at every step in the pipeline.
- simplifies the interface
- messages are smaller and easier to handle
- After a certain step (e.g., User-Targeting), just create a new message per user.
- Is there a use-case for having multiple recipient targets per message?
- Messaging technology
- Starting with Rabbit
- Amazon SQS
- may be able to support this if we implement within constraints
- Use timestamp in UTC as expiration time
Verified by each step in the pipeline
- Message dropped (though logged) once time exceeded
- When messages branch off, keep track of parent UUID
- Queues per durability/priority, also per version?
- Will need to dig into this further.
- Complexity possibly localized to the messaging layer.
- Versioning of the libraries
- - e.g., NotificationPipelineStep.Presentation.v2
- treat queues as data models, similar to django migrations?
- Conclusion: To avoid coordinated rollout of IDAs, important for the messaging format to be thought of as a public API