Note |
This is not a list of the features and changes that will be available in Hawthorn. This page is only for release concerns. See the product announcements for changes that have been made since Ginkgo. |
- Eric Fischer (Deactivated) marked some models related to in-course reverification as being deprecated in #14588, delete them and create migrations using this commit (branch link if commit hash changes)
- Also, be sure to talk to analytics to ensure this table is removed from data packages. Here's the initial PR, you may just want to re-open it.
- If the open source team has directed you here because you're trying to delete models, check out the DeprecatedModelMixin I added in the above PR.
- Robert Raposa FYI: The ecommerce "fake thumbnails" task in the configuration repo (added for Ginkgo) was removed in Hawthorn.
- It is required that this task be run in Ginkgo before moving to Hawthorn. Assuming it already true for many reasons that one must upgrade one release at a time(?), this entire note can be removed.
- The LogoutViewConfiguration model has been removed. Single logout—logging out of LMS or an IDA logs you out of all systems—is now permanently enabled.
- Dave Ormsbee (Deactivated) / Ari Rizzitano (Deactivated) - need to document Bootstrap usage, theming etc
- Bill Filler (Deactivated) ConditionalOffers are now associated with a Site. Existing offers can be manually updated by editing an offer on ecommerce IDA (via django-admin, dashboard/offers, or programs/offers). New offers will default to use the current site.
- Sylvia Pearce (Deactivated) and Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) talked about whether we want to describe how to configure the new edX persistent grading in Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform. (Nimisha Asthagiri (Deactivated) is to talk to Ned Batchelder (Deactivated) about whether/how much to document this.)
- Joe Mulloy (Deactivated) / Kevin Falcone (Deactivated) Mongo 3.2 upgrade
- Julia Eskew (Deactivated) All usage of django-simple-history was removed from edx-platform - though, the requirement remains in edx-platform to accommodate usage in edx-enterprise . Migrations are present to remove those tables - but custom Django management commands were also added to assist in the deletion of large amounts of historical data for Open edX instances with lots of data (like
- ClintonB (Deactivated): E-Commerce settings for CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile are now optional. We recommend using Silent Order POST (SOP) to take advantage of the self-contained checkout flow that does not redirect the user to a CyberSource checkout page.
- Ari Rizzitano (Deactivated): Node 8
- Joe Mulloy (Deactivated): Rabbit to Redis switch. Ansible has been updated to allow Rabbit or Redis and potentially other Celery backends. Variable names have been changed, but are backwards compatible for Hawthorn.
- Ahsan Haq (Deactivated): django-simple-history is being deprecated from Ecommerce Service
- Kevin Falcone (Deactivated) XQueue is not part of Docker Devstack, so it won't be available for developers. While this is being worked on as part of removing XQueue's reliance on RabbitMQ, we have no idea when it will fully land.
The unified_course_tab flag continues to be deprecated, the default for the flag was changed from False to True, and the flag is planned to be removed in the next release. We recommend switching this flag to True in advance of being forced into it with the next release. Matthew Piatetsky (Deactivated) Robert Raposa
- Michael Terry (Deactivated): Two new options allowed when setting your password policy configuration: ALPHABETIC and NUMERIC complexity requirements are now supported.
- Brian Mesick (Deactivated): There are 2 PRs referenced in this ticket that we will want for Hawthorn as there is a performance regression in the Django 1.11 upgrade that caused a big spike in registration deadlocks under load. Both are released in production and seem stable.
- Pierre Mailhot: Facebook authentification seems to be broken following Facebook's use of Valid OAuth redirect URIs. Problem mentioned in
andJira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 key LEARNER-3928
.Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 key LEARNER-4819
Stuff that must land before Hawthorn
Django 1.11 upgrade (Platform)- MERGEDpiptools in place on edx-platform (Platform)- MERGED MERGED MERGED MERGED to ensure additional strings are available for translation) - MERGED MERGED- - MERGED and cherry-picked.
- - MERGED and cherry-picked.
- Failure to send password reset emails:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 key LEARNER-6033
- (required to ensure log rotation on OpenStack) - CLOSED, won't do.
- Turning on certain waffle flags by default for course home messaging. (See Marco Morales (Deactivated) or Robert Raposa.) This is about the "hide left nav" waffle flag.
- Ticket to be completed by Spartans:
Jira Legacy showSummary false server System JIRA serverId 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 key LEARNER-5509
- Ticket to be completed by Spartans:
- A few cleanups for GDPR:
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 13fd1930-5608-3aac-a5dd-21b934d3a4b4 key PLAT-2192
- Exception thrown during LMS/Studio login/registration and course enrollment:
OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'email_marketing_emailmarketingconfiguration.sailthru_activation_template' in 'field list'")
- Exception thrown during during Studio course creation:
ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'hawthornupgrade_sandbox_opencraft_hosting_edxapp.student_historicalcourseenrollment' doesn't exist")