Extracted from a previous brainstorming session (edx-platform Code Structure: Hackathon XIV):
- Unit tests
- Properties
- Do not have dependencies on peer or higher layers.
- May depend on low-level core libraries.
- White-box tests of all edge conditions and paths.
- Guidelines
- Can use/test internal methods of the module.
- Use override_settings instead of requiring settings in a central envs/tests.py.
- Properties
- Integration tests
- Properties (Note: this differs from testing.rst.)
- End-to-end python integration tests that test dependencies between apps.
- At least one inter-dependency is not mocked.
- May test multiple paths, including non-happy paths if impacted by inter-dependencies.
- Guidelines
- Stored centrally
- Only use exposed public interfaces
- Properties (Note: this differs from testing.rst.)
- Acceptance tests
- Properties
- End-to-end UI-level black-box tests.
- Mostly only happy paths are tested. Regularly occurring exceptional paths that are integral to the user-facing feature may also be tested.
- Properties