Note |
We have decided not to go forward with decentralized devstack after doing further evaluation. This documentation is now out of date. See OEP-5 Decisions for more details. |
Note: This is a copy of Devstack 2.0. This is meant as a historical doc and is no longer completely up to date of current design.
Dockerfile in the root of the codebase which does not rely on ansible
Initial provided by SRE. Owned by squad.
Build/push automation for building new images on merge
Shared tooling owned by SRE.
Devstack docker-compose.yml in the root of the codebase
Provided and owned by squad.
Bootstrap.sh script for setting up IDA and calling the bootstrap script for it's dependencies (if necessary)
Provided and owned by squad
Setting ENV variables to customize images
Shared tooling owned by SRE
Configurable with Mysql volume with production schema
TBD: Start with shared tooling owned by SRE, may transition to Squad owned depending on how self-service it can be.
Standard set of targets that perform common actions (likely Make)
Initial interface and contract provided by SRE. Owned by squad.