This was used in 2016 and June 2020 for tracking / visualization. (data linked)
XBlock counts
Code Block |
MATCH (c:course) -[:PARENT_OF*]-> (n:item) RETURN distinct(n.block_type) as block_type, count(distinct(c)) as coursecount, count(n) as number order by number DESC |
Code Block |
MATCH (c:course)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(n:`block_name`) WHERE (n.field_name) RETURN c.org, c.course_key ORDER BY c.org, c.course_key |
Where are all the
XBlock types used in my course? (with direct link to where they are used)
Code Block |
MATCH (c:course) -[:PARENT_OF*]-> (v:vertical) -[:PARENT_OF*]-> (n:item) WHERE c.course_key = 'courseID' // replace with the course ID AND n.block_type = 'problem' // insert desired block type here RETURN n.block_type, n.display_name, n.location as block_id, v.display_name as unit_location, replace('https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-id/jump_to_id/','course-id',c.course_key) + right(n.location, 32) as Unit_URL, n.edited_on, n.visible_to_staff_only ORDER BY n.edited_on; |
Code Block |
MATCH (course)-[:PARENT_OF*]->(p:problem) WHERE p.data CONTAINS 'jsinput' RETURN distinct(p.org) as org, count(distinct(p.course_key)) as numberOfCourses, count(distinct(p)) as numberOfProblems |
Courses with new drag and drop
new drag and drop problems by course
Code Block |
MATCH (n:chapter) RETURN max(length(n.display_name)) |
How many pages contain nested
Find and count the xblocks XBlocks (p) that contain other xblocks XBlocks ( n), that appear in units (v). For all these searches, you'll get more real results by adding constraints like "vertical in a recent course" or "is published to learners"
XBlocks in Units
Code Block |
MATCH (v:vertical) -[:PARENT_OF]-> (p) -[:PARENT_OF*]-> (n) RETURN distinct(p.block_type), count(p) |
Note for the below that we're not eliminating cyclical relationships; no guarantee that n is a leaf node.
Units with Nested
Code Block |
//Count all units that contain nested xblocks i.e. blocks that contain other blocks MATCH (v:vertical) -[:PARENT_OF]-> (p) -[:PARENT_OF*]-> (n) return count(distinct(v)) |
Code Block |
match (c:course) where c.discussion_blackouts <> [] // non null blackout dates return c.org, c.course_key, c.display_name, c.start, c.end, c.discussion_blackouts |
Discussion forums
What courses don't use
the built-in
discussion forums?
Code Block |
MATCH (c:course) WHERE LENGTH([x IN c.tabs WHERE x CONTAINS "DiscussionTab"]) = 0 RETURN c.course_key |