There is a need for leadership in the Open edX ecosystem to define, and set parameters and guidelines for, three key areas of the Open edX platform:
Product Vision, defined as the high-level vision statement for the Open edX project.
Core Product Offering, defined as a clear articulation of which features and experiences come fully supported with a basic Open edX Install/experience, for a clearly defined user base.
Product Management Operating Model, defined as a clear process and workflow for prioritizing initiatives.
The Product Vision will inform a Core Product Offering. Decisions about which enhancements or fixes are critical might be informed by the weakest areas of the Core Product Offering. And a tight Core Product Offering will be the framework for which current and future initiatives are included in the Core, or not.
Members provides critical input and the voice and perspective of users
tCRIL Axim Product Management and Core Contributor Product Managers refine user requirements, documentation, with tCRIL Axim Product Management serving as the recommending body
Serves as a verifying body to ensure high-level mission objectives continue to align with implementation recommendations and efforts writ large.
In cases of rare disputes or disagreements regarding the Core Product Offering that cannot be arbitrated in a satisfactory way by tCRIL Axim and Core Contributor Product Managers, disagreeing parties have the option to make a case for their perspectives with the ToC. The ToC will function as the ultimate deciding party.
What decisions does the Product Working Group own?
Product Vision: To be set collaboratively by Members of the Product Working Group, Core Contributor Product Manager, and
Axim Product Management. The Product Vision is always open to evolution with feedback and input from the broader community.
Core Product Offering: To be recommended by Members and Core Contributor Product Managers, and finalized/managed by
Axim Product Management and Core Contributor Product Managers. Key decisions include: What current features/experiences are available in the basic Open edX Install, and why? And, what future features/experiences make it into the core install, and why? And, what is the spectrum of alternatives if a feature doesn’t align with the core (for example, defining a standardized “core-to-edge” spectrum or model).
Product Management Operating Model: To be recommended by Members and Core Contributor Product Managers, and finalized/managed by
Axim Product Management and Core Contributor Product Managers. Key decisions include: What initiatives should be prioritized to improve/enrich/expand/enhance/fix the Core Product Offering?
In these cases, the Working Group may take on a number of roles, including: