Info (Delete before publishing): This report is intended to be, as much as possible, short and sweet. It's mostly fill-in-the-blanks. The audience for all sections is "whole community"
Table of Contents | ||||
The Product Working Group focuses primarily on understanding the needs of our community, defining core product features, and developing new or improved product features to meet our community’s needs. Our primary goal is to provide product leadership in the community. Our group is guided by the Product working group Charter .
Defining the Core Product (OEP-57), codified in an Open edX governance document known as an “OEP” (Open edX Enhancement Proposal). This OEP defines a set of product guidelines for the Open edX platform, including a Product Narrative, Product Offerings, and Component Tiers, and describes how these principles impact the community. This has shaped how our group thinks about product leadership and areas of focus.
Breaking ground on full public feature development. This means that a group of people working on a project open up their thinking about possible approach and requirements to the community, for the community to review and provide feedback on. Crucially, these projects also incorporate this community feedback. Some examples include:
React video player
Content tagging in libraries & courses:
Content modularity initiative:
Making significant improvements to the Product Review process of community contributions. While this is an ongoing project, the work we’ve done thus far to enable any product manager to complete reviews and to articulate expectations for authors and product managers has unblocked work, some of which has been stalled for months. (Santiago Suarez or Ryan O'Connell - could you please provide an update/additions?)
Further, we’ve made significant progress on the following initiatives:
Pull request review guidelines, as described above (target completion: Santiago Suarez )
Product Narrative work (Faqir Bilal describe what will be done/completed or milestones hit in by September 2023)
Modular Learning:
Launch V1 Studio copy/paste feature
Launch MVP Content Tagging Tool
Core Product work as described above:
Aim to complete product health & landscape research for 40-50 features within the next 6 months
With this report, determine how we are to proceed with features we think do not fit in the “core”: options include deprecation, conversion to plugin/XBlock, or putting behind a feature flag
If applicable: Links to roadmaps/GitHub projects/important wiki pages/etc
Future Vision for the Group (Optional)