Standardize using the pull request “Assignees” field
The person listed in this field is the one responsible for getting the pull request to “done”
Will be self-assigned by owning team, or assigned to a CC by OSPR managers (if owning team decides they don’t need to be involved in the review process).
New labels added to all repos ( Labels are preferred over board status since all boards are set up differently. Labels provide a way to sync across boards in a standard way, while allowing OSPR project managers and individual teams to set up and manage their boards in a way that is most helpful to them).)
New label “Waiting for Eng Review” - for use by the OSPR project managers to highlight pull requests that need review ( Pull requests that need product review have separate labels and process for this).)
New label “Needs Maintainer Attention” - for use by the reviewing teams/owners to flag pull requests that need to be looked at, and have someone assigned to thethem.