Link: (posted after meeting)
Meeting captain: Kyle McCormick
Notetaker: Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)
Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)
Diana Huang
Zach Hancock (Deactivated)
David Joy (Deactivated)
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
Start the Zoom recording! | |
Cross Pollination | Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) (2U ArchBOM) Diana Huang DEPRing parts of paver/pavelib paver update_db in particular wasn’t working, now we’re using make migrate more We’d love to throw all of paver awy
starting conversations around how to DEPR/move things from Open edX to 2U (like devstack) DEPR ticket - please leave feedback here: https://github.com/openedx/devstack/issues/907 Kyle proposed deprecating devstack a while ago, which has been stuck because 2U is very much still on devstack Should devstack just be a 2U/edX thing rather than an Open edX thing, and we always recommend the community use tutor? Date for move from Open edX to edX is 6 months out Raccoon Gang and OpenCraft still use devstack. If Tutor can’t fill the same needs, we need to either update Tutor or accept that we have 2 dev environments We need Axim’s legal approval to move from openedx to edx org in GH
Trying out Orbstack, which wins almost immediately for me for not having to allocate memory up front
Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated) Devstack images are starting to get built for ARM. the one for credentials is up, LMS, Studio, and others are getting close. Did some research into Kubernetes learning materials. The top book recommendation seems to be The Kubernetes Book, which gets routinely updated. Plan to read that soon to learn more about how we can/can’t leverage k8s to address some of our dev env issues, may be useful for others also.
Kyle McCormick |
Challenges Each challenge should have a follow up action. If you have an idea for follow up actions, add it. Or if you aren’t sure, leave it blank. We’ll discuss all actions either way.
| Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) - Arch BOM has heard me complain about this a lot, but as an FYI, GitHub’s GraphQL API is awful Kyle McCormick Dave O had difficulty using library-authoring-mfe plugin for tutor-dev. Complexity arising from it being a plugin that depends on another plugin. |
Successes | Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) Some initial progress with using Grafana to display interesting dev metrics, which may be useful for more than just 2u Pretty convinced devstack will work on Apple Silicon once one more MFE issue is resolved with frontend-app-learning
Suggested Action Items | Last Time: This Time: |
Demos, Scheduled Topics | Live debugging: Get Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) a working Tutor dev env for event bus. |
After the meeting… | Make an agenda for next time (tip: copy this page). Axim: Paste in the Zoom link once it’s ready. Paste these notes and next week’s agenda in #wg-developer-experience