Note |
As a Beta, this project is not ready for production use yet. Large scale changes are still likely as we push toward a production ready v1, which might cause data loss and upgrade complications. We have not completed a full security or privacy pass at this time. We recommend testing this beta on a standalone private environment, especially if you are testing with production data. Use at your own risk! |
Info |
Found a bug or have a feature suggestion? We’d love to hear them. You can create a Github issue here, find us on the Open edX Slack in the #aspects channel, or email bmesick@axim.org. |
Demo server is upgraded to v0.66.1. Diff from previous version is here. Notable changes:
Bug fixes that allow us to show the dashboards EduNEXT have put together to best advantage:
Demo server is upgraded to v0.66.0. Diff from previous version is here. Notable changes: