- Brian Smith Look into whether we can have renovate at-least make PRs for major edx-platform node package updates.
- Feanil Patel Create an issue to see if we can we setup an e2e test suite in CI for edx-platform that does the bare minimum of testing login, enroll, and submit an answer to a problem.
- Feanil Patel Document an issue for the proctoring tech debt in the edx-platform repo.
- https://github.com/openedx/edx-proctoring/blob/master/docs/decisions/0004-exam-ida.rst
- https://github.com/edx/edx-exams/blob/main/docs/decisions/0001-purpose-of-this-repo.rst
- Zach Hancock (Deactivated) Update mockprock docs/config to help improve the manual proctoring testing story.
- Feanil Patel create an issue to build the prod webpack assets in CI
- Diana Huang socialize the process for landing big changes.