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OAuth2 Protocol and JWT
The mobile app Open edX platform uses the standard OAuth 2.0 protocol for authenticating users to the open edX LMS. The OAuth2 protocol supports authenticating the "client" and/or the "resource owner" by verifying "shared credentials" that were exchanged out-of-band with the "authorization server". A successful transaction results in a valid "access token". This access token is then used to create a JWT token that the client uses for accessing resources on the "resource server" on behalf of the "resource owner".
In the mobile context:
the client is the mobile device
the resource owner is the user using the mobile device
the resource server is LMS or any service hosted on the edX platform that exports a public API to be called by the mobile app
the shared credential is either
the user's "password" (if the user has an edX password), or
the user's "social auth credentials" (for 3rd party authentication)
the authorization server is either
LMS (if authenticating with the user's password), or
a 3rd party server (if authenticating with a 3rd party social auth)
the access token is used to authenticate the user in subsequent API calls
Note: We use the term "authenticate" loosely here since we are not necessarily verifying the identity of the caller for all API calls. In fact, it's possible that the user is not even present when an API call is made. This is why the OAuth protocol is actually considered an "authorization" framework (or "delegation" to be more exact) since the "resource owner" authorizes the "client" to access resources on the "resource server" on its behalf by virtue of an "access token" obtained from an "authorization server". However, I still prefer to use "authentication" in this context since from the resource server's perspective, the access token is simply used to "identify" the resource owner on whose behalf the request is made. Further authorization-related matters such as permission-checking and ACLs are outside this scope.
Additionally, while most edX views support session authentication, some of those APIs are decorated with the SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser authentication class, which also bypasses email verification. For example, the enrollment API doesn't require the user to be "active" (i.e., doesn't need a verified email address).
Access tokens are created for each login attempt from mobile, which are then used to create JWT tokens used by mobile app in api calls. The mobile app can issue JWT tokens in either of the following ways:
AccessToken View: username/email + password combo with grant_type=password
curl -X POST -d "client_id=INSERT_CLIENT_ID&grant_type=password&username=INSERT_USERNAME&password=INSERT_PASSWORD&token_type=JWT" http://localhost:8000/oauth2/access_token/
AccessTokenExchangeView: 3rd party (social-auth) OAuth 2.0 access token -> 1st party (open-edx) JWT token
curl -X POST -d "client_id=INSERT_CLIENT_ID&access_token=INSERT_THIRD_PARTY_ISSUED_ACCESS_TOKEN&token_type=JWT" http://localhost:8000/oauth2/exchange_access_token/INSERT_BACKEND
For now, the supported backends are "facebook" and "google-oauth2"
Example Response
The response from either of the above endpoints would provide the edX-issued JWT token as follows:
Code Block |
{ |
'access_token |
': |
'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
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. |
1poWa9J7iCLVkU5nPNiBUD9WldDQyRWrLLRJ_gtdnEY', 'expires_in': 3600, 'token_type |
': |
'JWT |
'scope': 'read write email profile',
'refresh_token': 'pGwqlJXuLUkP1KqtVQJm0nU3TKss9q'
} |
Authorization JWT
Once an JWT token is obtained, it can be used to authenticate the user in any API call that supports the JwtAuthentication authentication class. The JWT token is passed in the JWT field of the Authorization HTTP header, as follows:
curl -H "Authorization: JWT INSERT_EDX_ISSUED_JWT_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/api/..
Currently, our edX-issued JWT tokens expire in 1 hour for mobile apps. These values can be overridden with the settings variables JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS.
JWT -> Session Cookie
Feanil Patel tried this and was not able to get it to work in a local dev environment, this section may need to be updated.
Additionally, the mobile app can exchange a JWT token for a session cookie that can be used in a WebView:
LoginWithAccessTokenView: 1st party (open-edx) JWT token -> session cookie
Returns a 204 (no content), but with the user's session cookies in the response.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: JWT INSERT_EDX_JWT_TOKEN" --cookie-jar TEST_COOKIE_JAR.txt http://localhost:8000/oauth2/login/
curl --cookie TEST_COOKIE_JAR.txt http://localhost:8000/api/..
Note: This call would be verified with the SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser authentication class.
Note: It looks like the access_token endpoint (above) also returns session cookies along with the user's access_token. However, this endpoint allows the client to refresh the session cookie without needing the user's credentials.
Now back to OAuth's 2 Client Types:
Confidential Client Type
Public Client Type
The RFC also explicitly calls out and defines native mobile applications, as follows:
the application can be extracted. On the other hand, dynamically issued credentials such as access tokens or refresh tokens can receive an acceptable level of protection. At a minimum, these credentials are protected from hostile servers with which the application may interact. On some platforms, these credentials might be protected from other applications residing on the same device.
So what does this all mean for the mobile apps?
Although a Client Secret is automatically generated for each OAuth2 Client in django, Client Secrets for mobile apps are NOT to be used. And they definitely should not be distributed, transported to, configured or stored on the apps. As the RFC states, we assume we cannot authenticate a mobile app since any client credential can be extracted by tampering with the local device.
Since possession of a refresh token authorizes requests for reusable access tokens, the refresh token is a proxy for the user's credentials and must be stored in a protected user-specific location (along with the user's access token). From the OAuth2 and security standpoint, storing a refresh token is preferable over storing a user's raw credentials (passwords, etc).
OAuth2 on Refresh Tokens
While the django library that we use for OAuth2, does support refresh tokens, it does not support Refresh Tokens for Public type Clients for the Password grant type (i.e., not for our mobile apps).
Here are the relevant links in the django-oauth2-provider code-base:
However, the latest django-oauth-toolkit via the OAuthLib library (which we would like to migrate to) does support Refresh Tokens for Public type Clients for the ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant.
OAuth2 on Refresh Tokens for Public Type Clients
The RFC does explicitly call out the support for refresh tokens for public Clients in Section 10.4. Here is the relevant quote from the spec:
No Format | ||
| ||
Authorization servers MAY issue refresh tokens to web
application clients and native application clients. |
However, it goes on to suggest that the server should detect unauthorized refresh token usage:
No Format | ||
| ||
When client authentication is not possible, the authorization server
SHOULD deploy other means to detect refresh token abuse.
For example, the authorization server could employ refresh token
rotation in which a new refresh token is issued with every access
token refresh response. The previous refresh token is invalidated
but retained by the authorization server. If a refresh token is
compromised and subsequently used by both the attacker and the
legitimate client, one of them will present an invalidated refresh
token, which will inform the authorization server of the breach. |
django-oauth-toolkit Implementation
The django-oauth-toolkit handles refresh tokens with multiple devices and access tokens correctly (not initially, but was eventually fixed). In essence, it is implemented as a single-use Refresh Token per Access Token. Whenever a new access token is requested with a refresh token, the presented refresh token is deleted and a new refresh token is returned along with the new access token.
Note: Old access tokens, however, remain in the database even if they have already expired.
Why not long-lived Access Tokens?
It is generally recommended to have short-lived access tokens and longer-lived refresh tokens. But why?
The main difference between a refresh token and an access token is that the former is used in transactions solely with the Authorization server, while the latter is (obtained from the Authorization server but) presented to the Resource server. The advantages of decoupling the tokens are: performance optimization, scalability, and revocation.
- Scalability - If access tokens are self-contained and implicitly verifiable by the Resource server, the Authorization Server would not be a single point of failure.
- Performance - Similarly, verifying an access token minimizes connections to the Authorization server and its database.
- Revocation - Compromised refresh tokens and refresh tokens of deactivated users can be centrally revoked, although there is a window of time during which all published access tokens may be in use until they expire.
Given the fact that our Authorization server (LMS) and Resource server (LMS) are one and the same (at this time), it is unclear whether having refresh tokens is a hard requirement for the edX mobile apps (at this time). Furthermore, the current django implementation requires querying the database every time an access token is verified since they are randomly generated values and not self-contained signed values, so the performance argument doesn't hold water. And since all tokens are kept in the database with foreign key relationships to the user, it would still be easy to centrally revoke all tokens associated with a user.
Note: Another point to note is that as the edX platform shifts from a monolith to a more distributed microservices architecture, we plan to use OAuth + JWTs and/or a variant of OpenIDConnect as our authentication framework. With that, JWT tokens will also be present and most probably short-lived.
Proposal for Refreshing Tokens on edX mobile apps
Unfortunately, the edX apps have been released without support for refreshing OAuth tokens, although the OAuth access tokens expire only a month after they are issued. So for now, we have been extending the expiration date regularly every month using a devOps executed script.
Assuming we still want to refresh edX Access Tokens (see Why not long-lived Access Tokens?), here is an implementation proposal.
- Insights
- E-Commerce
- Programs
- send API request with access token
- If access token is invalid, try to update it using refresh token
- if refresh request passes, update the access token and re-send the initial API request
- If refresh request fails, ask user to re-authenticate
for Public Type Clients
The RFC does explicitly call out the support for refresh tokens for public Clients in Section 10.4. Here is the relevant quote from the spec:
Code Block |
Authorization servers MAY issue refresh tokens to web
application clients and native application clients. |
However, it goes on to suggest that the server should detect unauthorized refresh token usage:
Code Block |
When client authentication is not possible, the authorization server
SHOULD deploy other means to detect refresh token abuse.
For example, the authorization server could employ refresh token
rotation in which a new refresh token is issued with every access
token refresh response. The previous refresh token is invalidated
but retained by the authorization server. If a refresh token is
compromised and subsequently used by both the attacker and the
legitimate client, one of them will present an invalidated refresh
token, which will inform the authorization server of the breach. |
django-oauth-toolkit Implementation
The django-oauth-toolkit handles refresh tokens with multiple devices and access tokens correctly (not initially, but was eventually fixed). In essence, it is implemented as a single-use Refresh Token per Access Token. Whenever a new access token is requested with a refresh token, the presented refresh token is deleted and a new refresh token is returned along with the new access token.
Note: Old access tokens, however, remain in the database even if they have already expired.
Why not long-lived Access Tokens?
It is generally recommended to have short-lived access tokens and longer-lived refresh tokens. But why?
The main difference between a refresh token and an access token is that the former is used in transactions solely with the Authorization server, while the latter is (obtained from the Authorization server but) presented to the Resource server. The advantages of decoupling the tokens are: performance optimization, scalability, and revocation.
Scalability - If access tokens are self-contained and implicitly verifiable by the Resource server, the Authorization Server would not be a single point of failure.
Performance - Similarly, verifying an access token minimizes connections to the Authorization server and its database.
Revocation - Compromised refresh tokens and refresh tokens of deactivated users can be centrally revoked, although there is a window of time during which all published access tokens may be in use until they expire.
Given the fact that our Authorization server (LMS) and Resource server (LMS) are one and the same (at this time), it is unclear whether having refresh tokens is a hard requirement for the edX mobile apps (at this time). Furthermore, the current django implementation requires querying the database every time an access token is verified since they are randomly generated values and not self-contained signed values, so the performance argument doesn't hold water. And since all tokens are kept in the database with foreign key relationships to the user, it would still be easy to centrally revoke all tokens associated with a user.
Note: Another point to note is that as the edX platform shifts from a monolith to a more distributed microservices architecture, we plan to use OAuth + JWTs and/or a variant of OpenIDConnect as our authentication framework. With that, JWT tokens will also be present and most probably short-lived.
Expiration Values
Set the default expiration for Access Tokens to 1 day (the accepted amount of time for a user to continue to use an unexpired token even after revocation).
Set the expiration time for Refresh Tokens to 2 weeks (analogous to our session cookies).
Note: Since a new refresh token is issued at every use, its lifetime indicates for how long a user need not use the app without being
asked to log in again.
Client Rollout Plan
As long as the user continues to use the app within the lifetime of the refresh token, they never need to log in again.
Authentication Flow
The OAuth authentication and refresh flow for mobile in case of login or any API call.
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