- AMI - Amazon Machine Image
- Ansible - Python-based server configuration management.
- Confluence
- Cypress - the third supported Open edX release
- Devstack - Vagrant-based Open edX deployment targeted at developers who want to modify the Open edX code.
- Django
- Dogwood - the fourth supported Open edX release
- Fullstack - Vagrant-based Open edX deployment that simulates a production installation.
- Git - Source code management system.
- master - the very latest cutting-edge code in a repository.
- Playbook - A YAML file describing Ansible Tasks that are run to complete a deployment
- Pull Request
- Python
- Slack - An online chat service.
- Ubuntu - A flavor of the Linux operating system. Open edX sites are most often deployed on servers running Ubuntu.
- Vagrant - A tool for spinning up development environments. Open edX Devstack and Fullstack are examples of Vagrant environments.
- Virtualbox - Virtualization software that allows you to run a virtual machine, a complete operating system inside of your computer's operating system. Vagrant depends on Virtualbox for creating development environments.