I. Context, data, and highlights 🏅
The Product Working Group was closely involved in the process and led the implementation of several changes to it (Redwood Release Testing Strategy ), including:
Monthly meeting to track new features and initiatives to be included in Redwood (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tWgp9LXNg4sfWYd_0ghNl6qfIZZ9851MtGBXPeSgzFs )
The Product Core Working Group should take ownership of a “master” test spreadsheet of new features
Maintainers are responsible for fixing bugs or getting the authors of the feature question to do so
The Redwood master branch was cut on 09/05 as planned.
The official testing period was cut in half to increase the chance of landing more new features in Redwood. For this reason, the testing process was launched on 16/05 (https://discuss.openedx.org/t/join-the-redwood-testing-team/13017 ).
Due to a last-minute security vulnerability (https://discuss.openedx.org/t/security-upcoming-security-release-for-edx-platform-on-2024-06-17/13204/3 ), Redwood was delayed a week and a half, to be successfully released on 19/06.
To target their respective audiences more specifically, the release notes were divided into https://docs.openedx.org/en/latest/community/release_notes/redwood/feature_release_notes.html and https://docs.openedx.org/en/latest/community/release_notes/redwood/dev_op_release_notes.html.
II. Successes and achievements 🏅
III. We should keep ✅
[Jenna]: Propose that we keep Product ownership of the “master” test spreadsheet, and continue to flesh out regression tests
[Jenna]: Propose that we keep the monthly meeting to track features slated for Sumac (can start again in August
IV. What didn’t we do so well, and what could we have done to do better ❌
[Jenna]: How can we tighten the lead time between the code cutoff and having the testing sandboxes ready? For Redwood, there was about a week in between. How can product help in defining which features should be enabled, etc?
[Jenna]: Only having 3 weeks for testing ended up feeling tight. What what would it look like to try a 6 week testing period between code cut and release, especially if we can shorten the lead time on the sandboxes?
[Jenna]: Redwood was feature-packed. How can we scale back and still have a meaningful set of capabilities/features in Sumac, without over-committing?
VI. Action Items for Sumac release 📈
[Jenna]: Product to update https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tWgp9LXNg4sfWYd_0ghNl6qfIZZ9851MtGBXPeSgzFs/edit?gid=0#gid=0 with current plans for Sumac, ahead of the August monthly planning