This effort is looking to update the Course Updates feature in Studio that educators use to post updates in their courses. The proposed changes include the ability to schedule or trigger course updates, automatically cross-post them as an email and discussions post, and more. These changes are meant to help our course instructor experience echo that of similar course management platforms which streamline these kinds of course communications.Abstract
We would like to help simplify the an educator’s experience by making it easier to community course updates with students. Today, you can use the Course Updates feature to post an update in Course Home, but you cannot schedule these updates. You must also copy the contents of this post to the Bulk Email tool to broadcast this message, and optionally create a post in the Discussion forums to echo this.
Context & Background
The Course Updates feature was recently converted to use new front end technology, but previous to this change Updates had remained relatively unchanged since their initial implementation in Studio circa 2013.
Course Updates were intended as a primary in-platform mechanism for educators to reach out to students for instructor paced courses. Updates were never reimagined to work for self paced courses, and are thus less used today than they were from 2012-2015. Incorporating self-paced learning triggers for new updates is one way to reimagine how updates could be used in courses.
When the Course Home was updated to be powered by the learning MFE in 2019 we decided to only show the most recent update, a short term compromise as we focused on releasing the MFE to production. How updates are rendered in course home, including whether or not students have actually read previous updates, is an improvement we can address now.
Generating in-platform updates is not enough to reach learners, but we never automatically sent out course updates via email and instead expect educators to duplicate these updates via the bulk email tool and discussion forums.
Scope & Approach
Value & Impact
Concept Sketches
Milestones and / or Epics
Initiative 1: Default On Advanced Components in Studio Unit Pages
Goal: …
Initiative 2: Course Components Page in Studio (+ Add Advanced workflow)
Named Release
This is TBD based on community interest and funding.
Proposed By
Marco Morales , and team @ Schema Education