Proposal by Ali Hugo on behalf of OpenCraft
Indicate which topic your proposal falls under:
- Enhance Core Contributor Onboarding
- Improve Collaboration, Communication & Reporting
- Improve Fulfilling Commitments and Planning Processes
- Improve Review Processes
Core Contributors have expressed concern about the number of communication tools we use, and have suggested combining some of our tools to streamline communication. CC’s identified the following as their preferred tools, in order of popularity:
Discussion Forum
Atlassian Wiki
Open edX Blog
This proposal seeks to confirm which tools we should use, evaluate each tool, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and create an easy-to-follow guide on when to use each one.
To ensure the right decisions are made about which tools to use and when, we propose a thorough investigation period. Some key steps include:
Finalize Tool Selection: Based on the survey results and the outcome of the “Consolidate Communication Tools” proposal (if approved), confirm the list of chosen communication tools with key stakeholders before proceeding to the next step.
Evaluate Selected Tools: Set up criteria for evaluating each tool, such as how well it supports searchability, ease of use, and public discussions. Review how each tool is currently being used, and identify where there are overlaps or inefficiencies.
Research Best Practices: Study how other communities manage their communication tools and identify useful strategies.
Draft Guidelines: Based on the research, create a rough set of guidelines on when to use each tool.
Gather Feedback: Share the draft with CC’s and gather feedback.
Create Final Guidelines: Use the feedback to adjust and expand upon the first draft until we have a simple, but thorough set of guidelines outlining when to use each tool. Consider adding links to each service’s docs so that CC’s can refer to them where necessary.
Add Guidelines to the Open edX Handbook: Should the proposal to create an “Open edX Handbook” be approved, these communication tool guidelines may live within it.
A clear set of guidelines on when to use each communication tool will:
Make it easier for CC’s to know which tool to use for specific tasks.
Help ensure important updates are not missed.
Improve collaboration across time zones by matching tools to the needs of the community.
Support transparency and public participation.
This effort will be approached in an iterative manner, following these broad steps:
Research Phase: 2 weeks
Draft Guidelines & Gathering Feedback: 1 month
Create Final Guidelines: 1 month