YouTube deprecation feature is behind a course waffle flag `videos.deprecate_youtube` – example usage. The feature's implementation details can be iterated through Youtube Deprecation.
There is one dependency that is keeping YT deprecation from full rollout, it is HLS re-encoding for courses whose videos are missing HLS profile – stats and approach.
EDUCATOR-3744Getting issue details...
is currently tracking this work to date.
Running and Monitoring re-encoding/backfill job
Re-encoding job can be configured through Django Admin:
Provide the course IDs to re-encode videos, check commit to true and press save and run the management command as seen below. If you just wants to see number of videos that will be re-encoded (i.e. dry run the management command), you can leave commit unchecked.
python edx-video-pipeline/ re_encode_videos_missing_hls --settings=VEDA.settings.production