Date, time, and location

Thursday, February 27th, 15:00 UTC (time converter)

Video recording


Chat log

00:04:25	Xavier Antoviaque:
00:04:57	Xavier Antoviaque:
00:07:04	Marco Morales:	I can hear now
00:14:32	vvoous:	+1 - GR can assign developer for this purpose
00:16:50	Felipe:	I'll ask around in our team as well
00:25:48	Felipe: right?
00:26:03	Ned Batchelder:	yes
00:29:25	Régis B.:	(totally unrelated: I just discovered the "mute" keyboard shortcut on zoom, it's alt+a)
00:34:42	stetrabby:	ok. let’ see where is the problem
00:37:19	Régis B.:
00:41:20	Nimisha Asthagiri:	Questions from Stephanie, our CMO:
00:41:28	Nimisha Asthagiri:	- Can you share a 'missed' opportunity where you could have marketed Open edX, but were not able to for whatever reason?
- Can you share a few key resources (artifacts like documents/files/etc) that you would want at your disposal?
- What key resources would you, as the Open edX community, want to drive creation of and what key resources would you look to edX marketing to provide?
00:45:56	Marco Morales:	I only know I have badges because Ned Told me I have Badges, Badge.
00:50:45	Régis B.:	I am actively pursuing all possible badges, of course.
00:58:39	Marco Morales:	Well, a restriction for everyone. Even edX pays for development time :)
01:01:20	stetrabby:	thank you all! see you

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