There are a handful of places where we might be able to mock out modulestore to save unit test time. Here are the results of my investigation into those places and the estimated work / time savings for each. Due to time limitations and the limitations of the hotshot profile that Nose uses I restricted my benchmarking to CMS tests.

Mongomock at the split mongo layer

I was able to test this by hacking a mongomock client to replace self.database in (MongoConnection.__init__) fairly easily and making some changes in mongomock. All but a dozen CMS tests succeeded with these changes in place. Unfortunately benefits weren't great due to it only impacting split mongo tests, not mocking out GridFS, etc. 





Mongomock at the mongo connection layer

I was able to mostly test this by hacking a mongomock client into the return of (connect_to_mongodb) fairly easily. With some additional hacking of GridFS and mongomock I was able to get 90% of CMS tests to run successfully, and I'm fairly confident another day's work would pretty much close that gap as the vast majority of failing tests were DDT tests that should be fixed with the same change, or could simply not utilize the mocking.





New modulestore backend





K/V level mock

Mocking out the k/v store was suggested as a possible place to look at. Presuming I'm looking at the right places (InheritanceKeyValueStore / MongoKeyValueStore / SplitMongoKVS) it doesn't seem to be a place where we are spending much time. Further it seems like there are no clear optimizations to be made in here as the data seems to already be stored fundamentally in local memory as a dict. The time spent in all of the KVSs is somewhere in the ~10-15 second range for CMS tests. It's unclear how we could improve on that in a mock or what the gains might be.