Meeting overview

Provide a brief overview of what this meeting is about and any other information that might be helpful to attendees.

  • Meeting goals

  • Key attendees

  • Processes

(blue star) Open action items

(blue star) Meeting minutes




Notes, decisions and action items


  • Question: LTI Optional Metadata / Parameters (is this enabled today??)

Giovanni Cimolin da Silva , David Joy (Deactivated) , Marco Morales (Deactivated)

  • This sprint → reference implementation for context claim support, won’t include full ADR details this sprint.

    • May want to get arch team review + input on this (share with DaveO or others?) - edX to tag people on PR as necessary.

  • Need to do a version bump for LTI Release latest

  • Discussed score / results service questions / issues, some open issues on handling multiple line items and which to set as the grade in the gradebook.

  • LTI Testing Tool - Access questions, Marco to add action item for this

  • LTI Provider Review scope TBD - uses external python library currently.

  • Timeline check-in

David St. Germain (Deactivated) , Giovanni Cimolin da Silva , David Joy (Deactivated) , Marco Morales (Deactivated)

  • Status Update Review to start.

  • LTI Provider injection included

  • LTI Variables - Unique identifiers (block location)

    • this discussion is on the ADR

    • discussed whether unique identifiers exist for course tabs or other levels of the course hierarchy.

    • resource link ID necessary for LTI Launch

  • LTI configuration in Studio for Course level still TBD, team is building this into Django admin for now.

  • Open question about how to handle configuration for LTI to be used throughout the platform. For now focused on course level configuration.

    • plan is to use string based loose configuration for now as plans /models evolve here for configuration at different levels. (as opposed to django foreign keys)

  • ADR for Studio / LMS boundary discussed → What are the implications for LTI here?

    • ADR exists for whether or not to include LTI keys. can easily include in export for 1.1 but not for 1.3.

    • LTI launches focused on learning content primarily, also course tabs. Potential future use in course content sidebar but this is TBD.

    • for now centralized configuration is the important part, can explore multiple UIs for configuration or additional slots in the future.

    • example - Piazza or Yellowdig might have configuration for main app + sidebar (if they eventually support in-context discussion)

b7920dd2-dcf5-4185-882d-017c2b7cdeb66c205af4-c716-4424-b98c-73ad78035ae9DECIDEDType /decision to record a decision made in the meeting.

July 28, 2020

Giovanni Cimolin da Silva , David Joy (Deactivated) , Marco Morales (Deactivated)

  • Pausing work for now.

  • Needs review:

    • TNL-7318 - line items implementation. POC implementation, decided to split the work into smaller pull requests. Move configuration to model, second one to improve auth around LTI, and third to implement line items. First is up for review. This blocks the other steps.