





Django upgrade to 1.6 (or maybe 1.7, depending on what ops says about in-progress password reset requests)



XBlock w/ children cleanup (John's vertical XModule -> XBlock PR, plus any fallout from that)



Async Import/Export



Don's transitional tasks

Move extra fields from split's structure doc which shouldn't be there and move to definitions to reduce doc size but still ensure everything's in the doc which lms & studio need for navigation control/outline (e.g., remove markdown, xml_attributes, ..)

Currently, splits assumes that the structure document should contain all Scope.settings fields. However, that makes that document quite heavy. Instead, we could move to a strategy of only inlining particular fields that we know are used during course navigation.

design a garbage collector for split mongo

(Support) Full XBlock editing in Studio

(Support) Course Scoped Field Data

IDA: Plan for Consistency

Teams are moving forward on deploying new processes. We need a plan for documenting how these processes should be built, so that all of the new things being built stay relatively consistent.

Discovery: XBlock/XModule performance brittleness in edx-platform

There are many ways to unexpectedly shoot ourselves in the foot with bad call patterns into modulestore (or bad access patterns when working with XBlocks). We should do some discovery on how to make it easier to fall into a pit of success when using XBlocks, performance-wise.

Discovery: XBlock Migrations

We have a number of XBlocks that have (for instance) fields with the wrong scope, or many fields for the same data to handle old version of the data in storage. Having a framework for isolating the code that needs knowledge of old formats would make it significantly easier for other teams to make changes to XBlocks without having to worry about backwards compatibility in future code.

The Video and Capa XModules are particularly bad instances of this.