1. Cadence

Weekly release strings are usually done every week, on Thursday morning (Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)).

2. Pulling Translations

How to pull weekly translations (Anyone can do this; I believe you need a transifex account and a .transifexrc file (leave the "token" field blank), but no other special permissions are required):

Commit the translations, make a PR, and merge it; see https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+update+translations+(autogenerated+message) for past PRs to see what they look like.

See also: Automatically updating resource files in Transifex

3. Pushing Translations

To push weekly translations (this should be done at least once per week, or more frequently, as desired):

Only someone with Transifex admin permissions can do this, currently Ned and Andy Armstrong (Deactivated). Again you'll need a .transifexrc file.

4. Which strings will be used?

In Transifex strings have three states:

Only those strings that are both translated and reviewed will be pushed.