Attendees: Ned, Miki, Andy, Steve Magoun, Cale, Beth, Dave O, Ferdi, Peter Pinch, Brandon, Nimisha

On Hangout: Chris Ewing (Jazkarta), Jim Abrahamson

Today there will be two categories of feedback:

Peter presenting.

POCs were started a long time, ago, with a proposal on the code list.

Implementation given to Jazkarta. Chris Rossi did initial implementation.

Current status:

Key features:

Implementation constraints:

This will run on

Sharing things between the CCX instance and the "parent" MOOC



Other sharing concerns:

Everything in the system is based on course ids.  We have to figure this out. (LIST 1)

Ferdi: preference is to have CCX be an add-on to edX, rather than an integral feature.

Cale: pluggable keys could be a good way to solve this. (LIST 1b)

Peter: are there implementations of new keys to look at?  Library keys

Field overrides: how would ccx keys interact?

Miki: the key id is not a big deviation from the current implementation, low cost, big benefit.