This component would provide basic subscription information to an admin to allow them to sort through groups of cohorts they are managing.


Brandon Cooley (Deactivated)

Relate Jira Tickets

Embed image of designs. Embed a Figma frame by pasting a share link here and choosing "Display as embed"

(blue star) Resources

Link to Design Assets

(blue star) Use cases

(blue star) Variants

(blue star) Best Practices

The dos and don’ts of this component. What should be kept in mind when using this component?

(blue star) Related Components

(blue star) Specification

What does an engineer need to know in order to build this component?

(blue star) Anatomy


  1. Button

Images detailing the anatomy of the component with redlines. Use numbers matching the legend on the left to call out components used in this one.

(blue star) Behaviors

Add rows to this table outlining individual behaviors of the component.

Descriptions of a behavior should contain any specification detail needed to build it, including animation timing.

(blue star) Accessibility

Focus Management Expectations
